local core = require((...):match("(.-)[^%.]+$") .. 'core') return function(info, x,y,w,h, draw) assert(type(info) == 'table' and info.value, "Incomplete slider value info") info.min = info.min or 0 info.max = info.max or math.max(info.value, 1) info.step = info.step or (info.max - info.min) / 50 local fraction = (info.value - info.min) / (info.max - info.min) local id = core.generateID() core.mouse.updateState(id, x,y,w,h) core.makeCyclable(id) core.registerDraw(id,draw or core.style.Slider, fraction, x,y,w,h, info.vertical) -- mouse update if core.isActive(id) then core.setKeyFocus(id) if info.vertical then fraction = math.min(1, math.max(0, (y - core.mouse.y + h) / h)) else fraction = math.min(1, math.max(0, (core.mouse.x - x) / w)) end local v = fraction * (info.max - info.min) + info.min if v ~= info.value then info.value = v return true end end -- keyboard update local changed = false if core.hasKeyFocus(id) then local keys = info.vertical and {'up', 'down'} or {'right', 'left'} if core.keyboard.key == keys[1] then info.value = math.min(info.max, info.value + info.step) changed = true elseif core.keyboard.key == keys[2] then info.value = math.max(info.min, info.value - info.step) changed = true end end return changed end