description="The GNU troff text-formatting system." packager="CRUX System Team " maintainer="Lukc " url="" depends=() name=groff version=1.20.1 release=1 source=($name/$name-$version.tar.gz) build () { cd $name-$version; touch doc/gnu.eps; ./configure \ ${CHOST:+--build=${CHOST}} \ ${CTARGET:+--host=${CTARGET}} \ --prefix=$prefix \ --mandir=$mandir \ --without-x; if [[ "$CHOST" = "$CTARGET" ]]; then make; else # This will need troff and groff already available at build time on the host. make TROFFBIN=troff GROFFBIN=groff GROFF_BIN_PATH=; fi make DESTDIR=$PKG install; ln -sf eqn $PKG$prefix/bin/geqn; ln -sf tbl $PKG$prefix/bin/gtbl; ln -sf soelim $PKG$prefix/bin/zsoelim }