"You have already built a shop.", "gold_insufficient" => "You don't have enough gold.", "shop_missing_item" => "This item does not exist.", "guild_not_yet_created" => "You need to create a guild first.", "guild_already_built" => "You have aready built a guild.", "dungeon_already_available" => "You can already access the dungeon", "gamesave_ok" => "Game saved.", "gamesave_error" => "An error occured when trying to save the game.", "gamesave_not_found" => "Couldn't find the specified save file.", "gamesave_delete_fail" => "Couldn't delete the specified save file.", "gamesave_delete_success" => "Game save successfully removed from server", "upload_fail" => "Could not upload save file.", "upload_success" => "Save file uploaded successfully: %s", ); function sendMessage($type, $msg, $fmt = null) { global $messages; $text = $messages[$msg]; if($fmt) $text = vsprintf($text, $fmt); echo json_encode(array($type => $text)); } function sendError($msg, $fmt = null) { sendMessage("error", $msg, $fmt); } function sendInfo($msg, $fmt = null) { sendMessage("info", $msg, $fmt); } ?>