# /etc/ports/drivers/rsync: rsync(1) driver script for ports(8)

use warnings;
use strict;
use File::Basename;

my $host = '';
my $collection = '';
my $destination = '';
my %new_checkouts;
my %old_checkouts;

sub error
	my $message = shift;
	print "Error: $message ($!)\nUpdating failed\n";
	exit 1;

sub warning
	my $message = shift;
	print "Warning: $message ($!)\n";

if ($#ARGV < 0)
	print "Usage: $0 <file>\n";
	exit 1;

open(FILE, $ARGV[0]) or error("Couldn't open $ARGV[0]");
while (<FILE>)
	if    (/^host=(.*)/)        { $host = $1; }
	elsif (/^collection=(.*)/)  { $collection = $1; }
	elsif (/^destination=(.*)/) { $destination = $1; }

if ($host eq '')        { error("Host field not set in $ARGV[0]");        }
if ($collection eq '')  { error("Collection field not set in $ARGV[0]");  }
if ($destination eq '') { error("Destination field not set in $ARGV[0]"); }

if (-e "$destination/.checkouts")
	# read the old .checkouts file into memory
	open(FILE, "$destination/.checkouts") or error("Couldn't read checkouts from $destination/.checkouts");
	while (<FILE>)
		$old_checkouts{$_} = 1;

print "Updating file list from " . $host . "::$collection\n";

# get the remote file list (new .checkouts)
open(PIPE, 'rsync -crz rsync://' . $host . '/' . $collection . '|') or error("Couldn't open pipe to rsync");
while (<PIPE>)

	next if /^MOTD:/;	# ignore MOTD lines
	s/^(.{43})//;		# ignore the first 43 characters (mode, date etc...)
	next if /^.$/;		# ignore the . directory

	$new_checkouts{$_} = 1;
error("Running rsync failed") unless $? == 0;

print "Updating collection " . basename($destination) . "\n";

# now really run rsync
open(PIPE, 'rsync -crz --log-format "%o %n" rsync://' . $host . "/$collection $destination|") or error("Couldn't open pipe to rsync");
while (<PIPE>)

	if (/^recv (.*)/)
		if ($old_checkouts{$1})
			s/^recv/ Edit/;
			s/^recv/ Checkout/;

	print $_ . "\n";
error("Running rsync failed") unless $? == 0;

# save new checkouts into .checkouts
open(FILE, ">$destination/.checkouts") or error("Couldn't save checkouts to $destination/.checkouts");
foreach my $checkout (sort keys %new_checkouts)
	print FILE "$checkout\n";

# use chroot as an additional safety measure when removing files
chroot($destination) or error("Couldn't chroot into $destination");

# iterate through old checkouts, remove obsolete files
foreach my $checkout (sort keys %old_checkouts)
	if (!$new_checkouts{$checkout})
		if (-f $checkout)
			print " Delete $checkout\n";
			unlink($checkout) or warning("Couldn't delete $checkout");

# iterate through old checkouts, remove obsolete directories
foreach my $checkout (sort keys %old_checkouts)
	if (!$new_checkouts{$checkout})
		if (-d $checkout)
			print " Delete $checkout\n";
			rmdir($checkout) or warning("Couldn't delete $checkout");

print "Finished successfully\n";

# End of file