--[[ Gamestates/Menu.lua Main menu by piernov Comment: might not be a good idea to immediately load both Solo and Multiplayer mode. ]]-- local Menu = {} local Gui = require "Quickie" local Utils = require "Utils" local GUI = { Menu = require("GUI/Menu")} local Gamestates = { Solo = require("Gamestates/Solo"), Multiplayer = require("Gamestates/Multiplayer"), About = require("Gamestates/About") } Gamestates.Options = Config function Menu:enter() Previous = nil -- Menu's root -- Redefine Quickie's colors Gui.core.style.color.normal.fg[1] = 0 Gui.core.style.color.normal.fg[2] = 0 Gui.core.style.color.normal.fg[3] = 255 Gui.core.style.color.normal.bg[1] = 0 Gui.core.style.color.normal.bg[2] = 0 Gui.core.style.color.normal.bg[3] = 0 Gui.core.style.color.hot.fg[1] = 0 Gui.core.style.color.hot.fg[2] = 0 Gui.core.style.color.hot.fg[3] = 255 Gui.core.style.color.hot.bg[1] = 48 Gui.core.style.color.hot.bg[2] = 48 Gui.core.style.color.hot.bg[3] = 48 Gui.core.style.color.active.fg[1] = 0 Gui.core.style.color.active.fg[2] = 0 Gui.core.style.color.active.fg[3] = 255 Gui.core.style.color.active.bg[1] = 24 Gui.core.style.color.active.bg[2] = 24 Gui.core.style.color.active.bg[3] = 24 -- End Menu.Music = love.audio.newSource("Resources/BlueMind.ogg") Menu.Music:setLooping(true) if Mute == false then Menu.Music:play() end end function Menu:update(dt) Gui.group{grow = "down", pos = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}, function() for _, name in ipairs(GUI.Menu.Buttons) do if Gui.Button{text = name, size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(80, 20)}} then -- Display main menu buttons and switch gamestate if clicked Gamestate.switch(Gamestates[name]) end end end} end function Menu:draw() Gui.core.draw() end return Menu