--[[ main.lua Main file used by LÖVE to start the game by piernov ]]-- require 'love2d-fakecanvas/fakecanvas' -- Load canvas emulation library Debug = false -- Set to true to view the answer in Solo mode Screen = {} -- Contains window width and height Fonts = {} -- Used to store preloaded fonts Gamestate = require "hump.gamestate" Config = require "Gamestates/Config" Menu = require "Gamestates/Menu" local min_dt = 1/25 -- Cap FPS to 25, avoid extensive CPU use, snippet from LÖVE Wiki under love.timer.sleep() local next_time = 0 function love.load() Config:loadUserConfig() -- Read user configuration file to load player_name Screen.width, Screen.height = love.window.getDimensions() love.resize(Screen.width, Screen.height) -- Call love.resize() in order to preload fonts love.graphics.setFont(Fonts[4]) -- Use font with size 4% by default Gamestate.registerEvents() -- Initialize hump Gamestate library Gamestate.switch(Menu) -- Switch to menu next_time = love.timer.getTime() -- FPS limiting end function love.resize(w, h) Screen.width, Screen.height = w, h Fonts[4] = love.graphics.newFont("Resources/vermin_vibes_1989.ttf", 0.04*Screen.height) Fonts[3] = love.graphics.newFont("Resources/vermin_vibes_1989.ttf", 0.03*Screen.height) end -- FPS limiting function love.update(dt) next_time = next_time + min_dt end function love.draw() local cur_time = love.timer.getTime() if next_time <= cur_time then next_time = cur_time return end love.timer.sleep(next_time - cur_time) end -- End function love.keypressed(key) if key == "escape" then -- Handle return key on Android or Escape key on regular keyboard if Previous then -- Switch to previous entry if we aren't a the menu's root, otherwise quit Gamestate.switch(require(Previous)) else love.event.quit() end end end