-- state local context = {maxid = 0} local draw_items = {n = 0} local NO_WIDGET = function()end local function generateID() context.maxid = context.maxid + 1 return context.maxid end local function setHot(id) context.hot = id end local function isHot(id) return context.hot == id end local function setActive(id) context.active = id end local function isActive(id) return context.active == id end local function setKeyFocus(id) context.keyfocus = id end local function hasKeyFocus(id) return context.keyfocus == id end local function disableKeyFocus() return setKeyFocus{} end local function clearKeyFocus() return setKeyFocus(nil) end -- input local mouse = {x = 0, y = 0, down = false} local keyboard = {key = nil, code = -1} keyboard.cycle = { -- binding = {key = key, modifier1, modifier2, ...} XXX: modifiers are OR-ed! prev = {key = 'tab', 'lshift', 'rshift'}, next = {key = 'tab'}, } function mouse.inRect(x,y,w,h) return mouse.x >= x and mouse.x <= x+w and mouse.y >= y and mouse.y <= y+h end function mouse.updateState(id, x,y,w,h) if mouse.inRect(x,y,w,h) then setHot(id) if not context.active and mouse.down then setActive(id) end end end function mouse.releasedOn(id) return not mouse.down and isHot(id) and isActive(id) end function keyboard.pressed(key, code) keyboard.key = key keyboard.code = code end function keyboard.tryGrab(id) if not context.keyfocus then setKeyFocus(id) end end function keyboard.isBindingDown(bind) local modifiersDown = #bind == 0 or love.keyboard.isDown(unpack(bind)) return keyboard.key == bind.key and modifiersDown end local function makeCyclable(id) keyboard.tryGrab(id) if hasKeyFocus(id) then if keyboard.isBindingDown(keyboard.cycle.prev) then setKeyFocus(context.lastwidget) keyboard.key = nil elseif keyboard.isBindingDown(keyboard.cycle.next) then setKeyFocus(nil) keyboard.key = nil end end context.lastwidget = id end -- helper functions local function strictAnd(...) local n = select("#", ...) local ret = true for i = 1,n do ret = select(i, ...) and ret end return ret end local function strictOr(...) local n = select("#", ...) local ret = false for i = 1,n do ret = select(i, ...) or ret end return ret end -- allow packed nil local function save_pack(...) return {n = select('#', ...), ...} end local function save_unpack(t, i) i = i or 1 if i >= t.n then return t[i] end return t[i], save_unpack(t, i+1) end local function registerDraw(id, f, ...) assert(type(f) == 'function' or (getmetatable(f) or {}).__call, 'Drawing function is not a callable type!') local state = 'normal' if isHot(id) or hasKeyFocus(id) then state = isActive(id) and 'active' or 'hot' end local rest = save_pack(...) draw_items.n = draw_items.n + 1 draw_items[draw_items.n] = function() f(state, save_unpack(rest)) end end -- actually update-and-draw local function draw() -- close frame state if not mouse.down then -- released setActive(nil) elseif not context.active then -- clicked outside setActive(NO_WIDGET) end for i = 1,draw_items.n do draw_items[i]() end -- prepare for next frame draw_items.n = 0 context.maxid = 0 -- update mouse status setHot(nil) mouse.x, mouse.y = love.mouse.getPosition() mouse.down = love.mouse.isDown('l') keyboard.key, keyboard.code = nil, -1 end return { mouse = mouse, keyboard = keyboard, generateID = generateID, setHot = setHot, setActive = setActive, setKeyFocus = setKeyFocus, isHot = isHot, isActive = isActive, hasKeyFocus = hasKeyFocus, disableKeyFocus = disableKeyFocus, clearKeyFocus = clearKeyFocus, makeCyclable = makeCyclable, style = require((...):match("(.-)[^%.]+$") .. '.style-default'), color = color, registerDraw = registerDraw, draw = draw, strictAnd = strictAnd, strictOr = strictOr, save_pack = save_pack, save_unpack = save_unpack, }