description="The GNU Binutils are a collection of binary tools" packager="CRUX System Team, core-ports at crux dot nu" maintainer="Lukc " # FIXME: Don't want to be the #+ maintainer of a package I don't understand -- for now. /o\ url="" depends=(zlib) name=binutils version=2.20.1 release=1 source=($name/$name-$version.tar.bz2) build () { # This seems to remove the documentation... which is something we don't #+ want, for now. #sed -i '/^SUBDIRS/s/doc//' $name-$version/bfd/; sed -i '/^# RELEASE=y/s/#//' $name-$version/bfd/; mkdir build; cd build; ../$name-$version/configure --prefix=$prefix --mandir=$mandir --enable-shared --disable-nls; make tooldir=$prefix; make check; make tooldir=$prefix DESTDIR=$PKG install; cp ../$name-$version/include/libiberty.h $PKG/usr/include; sed -i "s|-L$SRC[^ ]* ||g" $PKG/usr/lib/ }