function buildDungeon(){ sendRequest("craftmine.php", "op=buildDungeon", function(ret) { displayDungeon(); debitAccount(ret.cost); showInfo("You can acces the dungeon now. Good Luck."); }); } function displayDungeon(){ var tmphtml = "
"; tmphtml += ""; document.getElementById("tab4").innerHTML = tmphtml; } function launchDungeon(){ sendRequest("craftmine.php", "op=launchDungeon", function(ret) { document.getElementById("launch").style.display = "none"; displayBattle(ret); }); } function displayBattle(ret){ var tmphtml = "
"; tmphtml += "


"; tmphtml += ""; tmphtml += "
"; tmphtml += "

"; tmphtml += ""; document.getElementById("tab4").innerHTML = tmphtml; } function exitDungeon(){ sendRequest("craftmine.php", "op=exitDungeon", function() { document.getElementById("tab4").innerHTML = "

Look at how poor you are! You can't access the dungeon, it is only for the elite.

"; showInfo("You have left the dungeon"); }); }