var timeout; function buildDungeon(){ sendRequest("craftmine.php", "op=buildDungeon", function(ret) { displayDungeon(0,1,true);//mob 0 in the floor 1 and I access the dungeon for the first dungeon debitAccount(ret.cost); showInfo("You can acces the dungeon now. Good Luck."); }); } function displayDungeon(nb,f,firstTime){ var tmphtml = "
"; tmphtml += ""; document.getElementById("tab4").innerHTML = tmphtml; } function launchDungeon(nb,f,firstTime){ sendRequest("craftmine.php", "op=launchDungeon&floor="+f, function(ret) { if(nb==0 && firstTime){ document.getElementById("launch").style.display = "none"; } displayBattle(ret,nb,f); }); } function displayBattle(ret,nb,f){ var tmphtml = "
"; tmphtml += "

Battle floor "+ f +"

"; tmphtml += ""; tmphtml += "
"; document.getElementById("tab4").innerHTML = tmphtml; displayExit(); battle(ret,nb,f); } function battle(ret,nb,f){ timeout=window.setTimeout(strike, 1000, ret, nb, f); } function strike(ret,nb, f){ var lvDiff = data.level-parseInt(ret[0].level); var hitRate = Math.floor((Math.random() * 100) + 1); var mobLife = document.getElementById("lifeMob").innerHTML; var persoLife = document.getElementById("lifePerso").innerHTML; if(mobLife == 0){ data.hp = persoLife; endBattle("perso",nb,f,ret); return; } else if(persoLife == 0){ endBattle("mob",nb,f,ret); return; } if(hitRate<50+10*lvDiff){ mobLife--; document.getElementById("lifeMob").innerHTML = parseInt(mobLife); } else{ persoLife--; document.getElementById("lifePerso").innerHTML = parseInt(persoLife); } battle(ret,nb,f); } function endBattle(v,nb, f, ret){ window.clearTimeout(timeout); if(v=="mob")exitDungeon();//if you die in the dungeon, you are immediately sent out of the dungeon //To level up you have to obtain 2 xp to go to lv 3, 3 to go to lv 4, etc //A mob level 2 , if defeated gives you 2 xp, ...etc else{ data.xp += ret[nb].xp; if(data.xp>=data.level){ data.xp-=data.level; data.level++; //need to send the xp to the server sendRequest("craftmine.php", "op=updatePerso&hp="+data.hp+"&xp="+data.xp+"&lv="+data.level, function(){ displayPerso(data.hp,data.xp,data.level); }); } nb++;//go to the next mob in the same floor if(nb>=3){//floor changing nb=0;//reset the number of the mob f++;//increment the number of the floor } var tmphtml = "Le " + v + " a gagné."; tmphtml += "" document.getElementById("tab4").innerHTML = tmphtml; displayExit(); sendRequest("craftmine.php", "op=sendDungeonProgress&floor="+f+"&mob="+nb); } } function displayExit(){ var tmphtml = "

"; tmphtml += ""; document.getElementById("tab4").innerHTML += tmphtml; } function exitDungeon(){ sendRequest("craftmine.php", "op=exitDungeon", function() { window.clearTimeout(timeout); document.getElementById("tab4").innerHTML = "

Look at how poor you are! You can't access the dungeon, it is only for the elite.

"; showInfo("You have left the dungeon"); }); }