path: root/extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/
diff options
authorShai_- <romain.gailleton at gmail dot com>2010-05-30 20:33:40 +0200
committerShai_- <romain.gailleton at gmail dot com>2010-05-30 20:33:40 +0200
commit7446a6f93dd092db460e46cf5e3a84fb4cd35e1b (patch)
treefce8f59494851b47ac67ae2f0655accef938628e /extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/
parent4e87e0e05326b4a1de72da67fad56f39e6eab992 (diff)
arandr, suppression de fichiers obsolètes
Diffstat (limited to 'extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 267 deletions
diff --git a/extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/ b/extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/
deleted file mode 100644
index 4d0c0c5a3..000000000
--- a/extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,267 +0,0 @@
-"""Wrapper around command line xrandr (only 1.2 per output features supported)"""
-import os
-import subprocess
-import warnings
-from .auxiliary import BetterList, Size, Position, Geometry, FileLoadError, FileSyntaxError, InadequateConfiguration, Rotation, ROTATIONS, NORMAL
-import gettext
-class XRandR(object):
- def __init__(self, display=None, force_version=False):
- """Create proxy object and check for xrandr at `display`. Fail with
- untested versions unless `force_version` is True."""
- self.environ = dict(os.environ)
- if display:
- self.environ['DISPLAY'] = display
- version_output = self._output("--version")
- if not ("1.2" in version_output or "1.3" in version_output) and not force_version:
- raise Exception("XRandR 1.2/1.3 required.")
- def _get_outputs(self):
- assert self.state.outputs.keys() == self.configuration.outputs.keys()
- return self.state.outputs.keys()
- outputs = property(_get_outputs)
- #################### calling xrandr ####################
- def _output(self, *args):
- p = subprocess.Popen(("xrandr",)+args, stdout=subprocess.PIPE, stderr=subprocess.PIPE, env=self.environ)
- ret, err = p.communicate()
- status = p.wait()
- if status!=0:
- raise Exception("XRandR returned error code %d: %s"%(status,err))
- if err:
- warnings.warn("XRandR wrote to stderr, but did not report an error (Message was: %r)"%err)
- return ret
- def _run(self, *args):
- self._output(*args)
- #################### loading ####################
- def load_from_string(self, data):
- data = data.replace("%","%%")
- lines = data.split("\n")
- if lines[-1] == '': lines.pop() # don't create empty last line
- if lines[0] != SHELLSHEBANG:
- raise FileLoadError('Not a shell script.')
- xrandrlines = [i for i,l in enumerate(lines) if l.strip().startswith('xrandr ')]
- if len(xrandrlines)==0:
- raise FileLoadError('No recognized xrandr command in this shell script.')
- if len(xrandrlines)>1:
- raise FileLoadError('More than one xrandr line in this shell script.')
- self._load_from_commandlineargs(lines[xrandrlines[0]].strip())
- lines[xrandrlines[0]] = '%(xrandr)s'
- return lines
- def _load_from_commandlineargs(self, commandline):
- self.load_from_x()
- args = BetterList(commandline.split(" "))
- if args.pop(0) != 'xrandr':
- raise FileSyntaxError()
- options = dict((a[0], a[1:]) for a in args.split('--output') if a) # first part is empty, exclude empty parts
- for on,oa in options.items():
- o = self.configuration.outputs[on]
- if oa == ['--off']:
- = False
- else:
- if len(oa)%2 != 0:
- raise FileSyntaxError()
- parts = [(oa[2*i],oa[2*i+1]) for i in range(len(oa)//2)]
- for p in parts:
- if p[0] == '--mode':
- o.mode = Size(p[1])
- elif p[0] == '--pos':
- o.position = Position(p[1])
- elif p[0] == '--rotate':
- if p[1] not in ROTATIONS:
- raise FileSyntaxError()
- o.rotation = Rotation(p[1])
- else:
- raise FileSyntaxError()
- = True
- def load_from_x(self): # FIXME -- use --verbose or, better, a library
- self.configuration = self.Configuration()
- self.state = self.State()
- screenline, items = self._load_raw_lines()
- self._load_parse_screenline(screenline)
- for headline,details in items:
- if headline.startswith(" "): continue # a currently disconnected part of the screen i can't currently get any info out of
- if headline == "": continue # noise
- hsplit = headline.split(" ")
- o = self.state.Output(hsplit[0])
- assert hsplit[1] in ("connected","disconnected")
- o.connected = (hsplit[1] == 'connected')
- if not hsplit[2].startswith("("):
- active = True
- geometry = Geometry(hsplit[2])
- if hsplit[3] in ROTATIONS: rotation = Rotation(hsplit[3])
- else: rotation = NORMAL
- else:
- active = False
- geometry = None
- rotation = None
- o.rotations = set()
- for r in ROTATIONS:
- if r in headline:
- o.rotations.add(r)
- for d in details:
- o.modes.append(Size(int(a) for a in d.strip().split(" ")[0].split("x")))
- self.state.outputs[] = o
- self.configuration.outputs[] = self.configuration.OutputConfiguration(active, geometry, rotation)
- def _load_raw_lines(self):
- output = self._output("-q")
- items = []
- screenline = None
- for l in output.split('\n'):
- if l.startswith("Screen "):
- assert screenline is None
- screenline = l
- elif l.startswith(" "): # mode
- items[-1][1].append(l)
- else:
- items.append([l, []])
- return screenline, items
- def _load_parse_screenline(self, screenline):
- assert screenline is not None
- ssplit = screenline.split(" ")
- ssplit_expect = ["Screen",None,"minimum",None,"x",None,"current",None,"x",None,"maximum",None,"x",None]
- assert all(a==b for (a,b) in zip(ssplit,ssplit_expect) if b is not None)
- self.state.virtual = self.state.Virtual(
- min = Size((int(ssplit[3]),int(ssplit[5][:-1]))),
- max = Size((int(ssplit[11]),int(ssplit[13])))
- )
- self.configuration.virtual = Size((int(ssplit[7]),int(ssplit[9][:-1])))
- #################### saving ####################
- def save_to_shellscript_string(self, template=None, additional=None):
- """Return a shellscript that will set the current configuration. Output can be parsed by load_from_string.
- You may specify a template, which must contain a %(xrandr)s parameter and optionally others, which will be filled from the additional dictionary."""
- if not template:
- template = self.DEFAULTTEMPLATE
- template = '\n'.join(template)+'\n'
- d = {'xrandr': "xrandr "+" ".join(self.configuration.commandlineargs())}
- if additional:
- d.update(additional)
- return template%d
- def save_to_x(self):
- self.check_configuration()
- self._run(*self.configuration.commandlineargs())
- def check_configuration(self):
- vmax = self.state.virtual.max
- for on in self.outputs:
- oc = self.configuration.outputs[on]
- #os = self.state.outputs[on]
- if not
- continue
- # we trust users to know what they are doing (e.g. widget: will accept current mode, but not offer to change it lacking knowledge of alternatives)
- #if oc.rotation not in os.rotations:
- # raise InadequateConfiguration("Rotation not allowed.")
- #if oc.mode not in os.modes:
- # raise InadequateConfiguration("Mode not allowed.")
- x = oc.position[0] + oc.size[0]
- y = oc.position[1] + oc.size[1]
- if x > vmax[0] or y > vmax[1]:
- raise InadequateConfiguration(_("A part of an output is outside the virtual screen."))
- if oc.position[0] < 0 or oc.position[1] < 0:
- raise InadequateConfiguration(_("An output is outside the virtual screen."))
- #################### sub objects ####################
- class State(object):
- """Represents everything that can not be set by xrandr."""
- def __init__(self):
- self.outputs = {}
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s for %d Outputs, %d connected>'%(type(self).__name__, len(self.outputs), len([x for x in self.outputs.values() if x.connected]))
- class Virtual(object):
- def __init__(self, min, max):
- self.min = min
- self.max = max
- class Output(object):
- def __init__(self, name):
- = name
- self.modes = []
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s %r (%d modes)>'%(type(self).__name__,, len(self.modes))
- class Configuration(object):
- """Represents everything that can be set by xrand (and is therefore subject to saving and loading from files)"""
- def __init__(self):
- self.outputs = {}
- def __repr__(self):
- return '<%s for %d Outputs, %d active>'%(type(self).__name__, len(self.outputs), len([x for x in self.outputs.values() if]))
- def commandlineargs(self):
- args = []
- for on,o in self.outputs.items():
- args.append("--output")
- args.append(on)
- if not
- args.append("--off")
- else:
- args.append("--mode")
- args.append(str(o.mode))
- args.append("--pos")
- args.append(str(o.position))
- args.append("--rotate")
- args.append(o.rotation)
- return args
- class OutputConfiguration(object):
- def __init__(self, active, geometry, rotation):
- = active
- if active:
- self.position = geometry.position
- self.rotation = rotation
- if rotation.is_odd:
- self.mode = Size(reversed(geometry.size))
- else:
- self.mode = geometry.size
- size = property(lambda self: Size(reversed(self.mode)) if self.rotation.is_odd else self.mode)