path: root/extra
Commit message (Expand)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* maj de inkscape#0.47-2sibel2010-07-124-3/+190
* maj gimp#2.6.10-1, avec support pdftnut2010-07-123-34/+33
* maj de p5-tk#804.029-1sibel2010-07-121-0/+0
* maj deps rubysibel2010-07-121-1/+1
* maj de 804.029sibel2010-07-124-5/+3
* maj deps ejectsibel2010-07-123-0/+34
* maj deps gst-plugins-uglysibel2010-07-121-1/+1
* maj deps gst-plugins-badsibel2010-07-121-1/+1
* maj de parted#2.3-1sibel2010-07-111-1/+1
* Ajout de avidemux#2.5.3-1tnut2010-07-104-0/+390
* maj lxde#0.5.0-4tnut2010-07-103-4/+3
* maj deps de pyqtsibel2010-07-101-1/+1
* maj footprint de libwncksibel2010-07-101-40/+0
* maj footprint de libwncksibel2010-07-101-0/+40
* maj deps de graphicsmagick#1.3.12-1sibel2010-07-091-1/+1
* maj deps de eggdbus#0.6-1sibel2010-07-091-1/+1
* MAJ libvorbis#1.3.1-1skingrapher2010-07-103-11/+11
* MAJ de la version 0.8.1 vers 1.0.0 libmatroska#1.0.0-1skingrapher2010-07-093-5/+6
* smile, maj md5sumtnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* xmlto, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* webkit, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* vte, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* maj lxde#0.5.0-3tnut2010-07-091-3/+5
* libgweather, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* gtk-doc, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* gparted, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* gnumeric, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* gdm, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* evince, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* etherape, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* ekiga, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* eggdbus, maj dependancestnut2010-07-091-1/+1
* maj lxde-common#0.5.0-3tnut2010-07-095-7/+7
* Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
| * petit ajustements de openbox#
| * maj de nitrogen#1.5.1-1geantbrun2010-07-092-3/+3
| * maj de openbox#
| * maj de opera#10.60-1geantbrun2010-07-093-273/+5
| * Ajout de pysdm#0.4.1-1geantbrun2010-07-095-0/+78
* | Maj de openoffice#3.2.1-3sibel2010-07-093-5/+412
* maj de openoffice#3.2.1-1sibel2010-07-084-3006/+3390
* Ajout de rpmextract#1.0-1sibel2010-07-085-0/+55
* Ajout de libmythes#1.2.1-1sibel2010-07-083-0/+40
* maj de firefox#3.6.6-1sibel2010-07-061-1/+1
* maj de qemu#0.12.4-1sibel2010-07-052-2/+2
* mise à jour syslinux#4.01-1François Visdeloup2010-07-043-185/+199
* avahi, correction groupetnut2010-07-041-2/+7
* Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
| * maj de vlc#1.1.0-1sibel2010-07-043-600/+766
| * Merge branch 'master' of ssh://
| |\