From 7446a6f93dd092db460e46cf5e3a84fb4cd35e1b Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: Shai_- Date: Sun, 30 May 2010 20:33:40 +0200 Subject: arandr, suppression de fichiers obsolètes MIME-Version: 1.0 Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8 Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit --- extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/ | 406 ----------------------- 1 file changed, 406 deletions(-) delete mode 100644 extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/ (limited to 'extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/') diff --git a/extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/ b/extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/ deleted file mode 100644 index 391d33779..000000000 --- a/extra/arandr/arandr-0.1.3/screenlayout/ +++ /dev/null @@ -1,406 +0,0 @@ -from __future__ import division -import os -import stat -import pango -import pangocairo -import gobject, gtk -from .auxiliary import Position, Size, NORMAL, ROTATIONS, InadequateConfiguration -from .xrandr import XRandR -from .snap import Snap - -import gettext -gettext.install('arandr') - -class ARandRWidget(gtk.DrawingArea): - __gsignals__ = { - 'expose-event':'override', # FIXME: still needed? - 'changed':(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), - } - - def __init__(self, factor=8, display=None, force_version=False): - super(ARandRWidget, self).__init__() - - self._factor = factor - - self.set_size_request(1024//self.factor, 1024//self.factor) # best guess for now - - self.connect('button-press-event', - self.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) - - self.setup_draganddrop() - - self._xrandr = XRandR(display=display, force_version=force_version) - - #################### widget features #################### - - def _set_factor(self, f): - self._factor = f - self._update_size_request() - self._force_repaint() - - factor = property(lambda self: self._factor, _set_factor) - - def abort_if_unsafe(self): - if not len([x for x in self._xrandr.configuration.outputs.values() if]): - d = gtk.MessageDialog(None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, _("Your configuration does not include an active monitor. Do you want to apply the configuration?")) - result = - d.destroy() - if result == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: - return False - else: - return True - return False - - def error_message(self, message): - d = gtk.MessageDialog(None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, message) - - d.destroy() - - def _update_size_request(self): - max_gapless = sum(max(o.size) if else 0 for o in self._xrandr.configuration.outputs.values()) # this ignores that some outputs might not support rotation, but will always err at the side of caution. - # have some buffer - usable_size = int(max_gapless * 1.1) - # don't request too large a window, but make sure very possible compination fits - xdim = min(self._xrandr.state.virtual.max[0], usable_size) - ydim = min(self._xrandr.state.virtual.max[1], usable_size) - self.set_size_request(xdim//self.factor, ydim//self.factor) - - #################### loading #################### - - def load_from_file(self, file): - data = open(file).read() - template = self._xrandr.load_from_string(data) - self._xrandr_was_reloaded() - return template - - def load_from_x(self): - self._xrandr.load_from_x() - self._xrandr_was_reloaded() - return self._xrandr.DEFAULTTEMPLATE - - def _xrandr_was_reloaded(self): - self.sequence = sorted(self._xrandr.outputs) - self._lastclick = (-1,-1) - - self._update_size_request() - if self.window: - self._force_repaint() - self.emit('changed') - - def save_to_x(self): - self._xrandr.save_to_x() - self.load_from_x() - - def save_to_file(self, file, template=None, additional=None): - data = self._xrandr.save_to_shellscript_string(template, additional) - open(file, 'w').write(data) - os.chmod(file, stat.S_IRWXU) - self.load_from_file(file) - - #################### doing changes #################### - - def _set_something(self, which, on, data): - old = getattr(self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on], which) - setattr(self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on], which, data) - try: - self._xrandr.check_configuration() - except InadequateConfiguration: - setattr(self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on], which, old) - raise - - self._force_repaint() - self.emit('changed') - - def set_position(self, on, pos): - self._set_something('position', on, pos) - def set_rotation(self, on, rot): - self._set_something('rotation', on, rot) - def set_resolution(self, on, res): - self._set_something('mode', on, res) - - def set_active(self, on, active): - v = self._xrandr.state.virtual - o = self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on] - - if not active and - = False - # don't delete: allow user to re-enable without state being lost - if active and not - if hasattr(o, 'position'): - = True # nothing can go wrong, position already set - else: - pos = Position((0,0)) - for m in self._xrandr.state.outputs[on].modes: - # determine first possible mode - if m[0]<=v.max[0] and m[1]<=v.max[1]: - mode = m - break - else: - raise InadequateConfiguration("Smallest mode too large for virtual.") - - = True - o.position = pos - o.mode = mode - o.rotation = NORMAL - - self._force_repaint() - self.emit('changed') - - #################### painting #################### - - def do_expose_event(self, event): - cr = pangocairo.CairoContext(self.window.cairo_create()) - cr.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) - cr.clip() - - # clear - cr.set_source_rgb(0,0,0) - cr.rectangle(0,0,*self.window.get_size()) - cr.fill() - - - cr.scale(1/self.factor, 1/self.factor) - cr.set_line_width(self.factor*1.5) - - self._draw(self._xrandr, cr) - - def _draw(self, xrandr, cr): - cfg = xrandr.configuration - state = xrandr.state - - cr.set_source_rgb(0.25,0.25,0.25) - cr.rectangle(0,0,*state.virtual.max) - cr.fill() - - cr.set_source_rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5) - cr.rectangle(0,0,*cfg.virtual) - cr.fill() - - for on in self.sequence: - o = cfg.outputs[on] - if not continue - - rect = (o.tentative_position if hasattr(o, 'tentative_position') else o.position) + o.size - center = rect[0]+rect[2]/2, rect[1]+rect[3]/2 - - # paint rectangle - cr.set_source_rgba(1,1,1,0.7) - cr.rectangle(*rect) - cr.fill() - cr.set_source_rgb(0,0,0) - cr.rectangle(*rect) - cr.stroke() - - # set up for text - - textwidth = rect[3 if o.rotation.is_odd else 2] - widthperchar = textwidth/len(on) - textheight = int(widthperchar * 0.8) # i think this looks nice and won't overflow even for wide fonts - - newdescr = pango.FontDescription("sans") - newdescr.set_size(textheight * pango.SCALE) - - # create text - layout = cr.create_layout() - layout.set_font_description(newdescr) - layout.set_text(on) - - # position text - layoutsize = layout.get_pixel_size() - layoutoffset = -layoutsize[0]/2, -layoutsize[1]/2 - cr.move_to(*center) - cr.rotate(o.rotation.angle) - cr.rel_move_to(*layoutoffset) - - # pain text - cr.show_layout(layout) - cr.restore() - - def _force_repaint(self): - # using self.allocation as rect is offset by the menu bar. - self.window.invalidate_rect(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0,0,self._xrandr.state.virtual.max[0]//self.factor,self._xrandr.state.virtual.max[1]//self.factor), False) - # this has the side effect of not painting out of the available region on drag and drop - - #################### click handling #################### - - def click(self, widget, event): - undermouse = self._get_point_outputs(event.x, event.y) - if event.button == 1 and undermouse: - which = self._get_point_active_output(event.x, event.y) - if self._lastclick == (event.x, event.y): # this was the second click to that stack - # push the highest of the undermouse windows below the lowest - newpos = min(self.sequence.index(a) for a in undermouse) - self.sequence.remove(which) - self.sequence.insert(newpos,which) - # sequence changed - which = self._get_point_active_output(event.x, event.y) - # pull the clicked window to the absolute top - self.sequence.remove(which) - self.sequence.append(which) - - self._lastclick = (event.x, event.y) - self._force_repaint() - if event.button == 3: - if undermouse: - target = [a for a in self.sequence if a in undermouse][-1] - m = self._contextmenu(target) - m.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) - else: - m = self.contextmenu() - m.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) - - self._lastclick = (event.x, event.y) # deposit for drag and drop until better way found to determine exact starting coordinates - - def _get_point_outputs(self, x, y): - x,y = x*self.factor, y*self.factor - outputs = set() - for on,o in self._xrandr.configuration.outputs.items(): - if not continue - if o.position[0]-self.factor <= x <= o.position[0]+o.size[0]+self.factor and o.position[1]-self.factor <= y <= o.position[1]+o.size[1]+self.factor: - outputs.add(on) - return outputs - - def _get_point_active_output(self, x, y): - undermouse = self._get_point_outputs(x, y) - if not undermouse: raise IndexError("No output here.") - active = [a for a in self.sequence if a in undermouse][-1] - return active - - #################### context menu #################### - - def contextmenu(self): - m = gtk.Menu() - for on in self._xrandr.outputs: - i = gtk.MenuItem(on) - i.props.submenu = self._contextmenu(on) - m.add(i) - m.show_all() - return m - - def _contextmenu(self, on): - m = gtk.Menu() - oc = self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on] - os = self._xrandr.state.outputs[on] - - enabled = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_("Active")) - = - if not and not os.connected: - enabled.props.sensitive = False - enabled.connect('activate', lambda menuitem: self.set_active(on, - - m.add(enabled) - - if - res_m = gtk.Menu() - for r in os.modes: - i = gtk.CheckMenuItem("%sx%s"%r) - i.props.draw_as_radio = True - = (oc.mode == r) - def _res_set(menuitem, on, r): - try: - self.set_resolution(on, r) - except InadequateConfiguration, e: - self.error_message(_("Setting this resolution is not possible here: %s")%e.message) - i.connect('activate', _res_set, on, r) - res_m.add(i) - - or_m = gtk.Menu() - for r in ROTATIONS: - i = gtk.CheckMenuItem("%s"%r) - i.props.draw_as_radio = True - = (oc.rotation == r) - def _rot_set(menuitem, on, r): - try: - self.set_rotation(on, r) - except InadequateConfiguration, e: - self.error_message(_("This orientation is not possible here: %s")%e.message) - i.connect('activate', _rot_set, on, r) - if r not in os.rotations: - i.props.sensitive = False - or_m.add(i) - - res_i = gtk.MenuItem(_("Resolution")) - res_i.props.submenu = res_m - or_i = gtk.MenuItem(_("Orientation")) - or_i.props.submenu = or_m - - m.add(res_i) - m.add(or_i) - - m.show_all() - return m - - #################### drag&drop #################### - - def setup_draganddrop(self): - self.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [('screenlayout-output', gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)], 0) - self.drag_dest_set(0, [('screenlayout-output', gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)], 0) - #self.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [], 0) - #self.drag_dest_set(0, [], 0) - - self._draggingfrom = None - self._draggingoutput = None - self.connect('drag-begin', self._dragbegin_cb) - self.connect('drag-motion', self._dragmotion_cb) - self.connect('drag-drop', self._dragdrop_cb) - self.connect('drag-end', self._dragend_cb) - - self._lastclick = (0,0) - - def _dragbegin_cb(self, widget, context): - try: - output = self._get_point_active_output(*self._lastclick) - except IndexError: - # FIXME: abort? - context.set_icon_stock(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, 10,10) - return None - - self._draggingoutput = output - self._draggingfrom = self._lastclick - context.set_icon_stock(gtk.STOCK_FULLSCREEN, 10,10) - - self._draggingsnap = Snap( - self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].size, - self.factor*5, - [(Position((0,0)),self._xrandr.state.virtual.max)]+[ - (v.position, v.size) for (k,v) in self._xrandr.configuration.outputs.items() if k!=self._draggingoutput and - ] - ) - - def _dragmotion_cb(self, widget, context, x, y, time): - if not 'screenlayout-output' in context.targets: # from outside - return False - if not self._draggingoutput: # from void; should be already aborted - return False - - context.drag_status(gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE, time) - - rel = x-self._draggingfrom[0], y-self._draggingfrom[1] - - oldpos = self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].position - newpos = Position((oldpos[0]+self.factor*rel[0], oldpos[1]+self.factor*rel[1])) - self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].tentative_position = self._draggingsnap.suggest(newpos) - self._force_repaint() - - return True - - def _dragdrop_cb(self, widget, context, x, y, time): - if not self._draggingoutput: - return - - try: - self.set_position(self._draggingoutput, self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].tentative_position) - except InadequateConfiguration: - context.finish(False, False, time) - #raise # snapping back to the original position should be enought feedback - - context.finish(True, False, time) - - def _dragend_cb(self, widget, context): - try: - del self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].tentative_position - except KeyError: - pass # already reloaded - self._draggingoutput = None - self._draggingfrom = None - self._force_repaint() -- cgit v1.2.3-70-g09d2