from __future__ import division import os import stat import pango import pangocairo import gobject, gtk from .auxiliary import Position, Size, NORMAL, ROTATIONS, InadequateConfiguration from .xrandr import XRandR from .snap import Snap import gettext gettext.install('arandr') class ARandRWidget(gtk.DrawingArea): __gsignals__ = { 'expose-event':'override', # FIXME: still needed? 'changed':(gobject.SIGNAL_RUN_LAST, gobject.TYPE_NONE, ()), } def __init__(self, factor=8, display=None, force_version=False): super(ARandRWidget, self).__init__() self._factor = factor self.set_size_request(1024//self.factor, 1024//self.factor) # best guess for now self.connect('button-press-event', self.set_events(gtk.gdk.BUTTON_PRESS_MASK) self.setup_draganddrop() self._xrandr = XRandR(display=display, force_version=force_version) #################### widget features #################### def _set_factor(self, f): self._factor = f self._update_size_request() self._force_repaint() factor = property(lambda self: self._factor, _set_factor) def abort_if_unsafe(self): if not len([x for x in self._xrandr.configuration.outputs.values() if]): d = gtk.MessageDialog(None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_WARNING, gtk.BUTTONS_YES_NO, _("Your configuration does not include an active monitor. Do you want to apply the configuration?")) result = d.destroy() if result == gtk.RESPONSE_YES: return False else: return True return False def error_message(self, message): d = gtk.MessageDialog(None, gtk.DIALOG_MODAL, gtk.MESSAGE_ERROR, gtk.BUTTONS_CLOSE, message) d.destroy() def _update_size_request(self): max_gapless = sum(max(o.size) if else 0 for o in self._xrandr.configuration.outputs.values()) # this ignores that some outputs might not support rotation, but will always err at the side of caution. # have some buffer usable_size = int(max_gapless * 1.1) # don't request too large a window, but make sure very possible compination fits xdim = min(self._xrandr.state.virtual.max[0], usable_size) ydim = min(self._xrandr.state.virtual.max[1], usable_size) self.set_size_request(xdim//self.factor, ydim//self.factor) #################### loading #################### def load_from_file(self, file): data = open(file).read() template = self._xrandr.load_from_string(data) self._xrandr_was_reloaded() return template def load_from_x(self): self._xrandr.load_from_x() self._xrandr_was_reloaded() return self._xrandr.DEFAULTTEMPLATE def _xrandr_was_reloaded(self): self.sequence = sorted(self._xrandr.outputs) self._lastclick = (-1,-1) self._update_size_request() if self.window: self._force_repaint() self.emit('changed') def save_to_x(self): self._xrandr.save_to_x() self.load_from_x() def save_to_file(self, file, template=None, additional=None): data = self._xrandr.save_to_shellscript_string(template, additional) open(file, 'w').write(data) os.chmod(file, stat.S_IRWXU) self.load_from_file(file) #################### doing changes #################### def _set_something(self, which, on, data): old = getattr(self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on], which) setattr(self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on], which, data) try: self._xrandr.check_configuration() except InadequateConfiguration: setattr(self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on], which, old) raise self._force_repaint() self.emit('changed') def set_position(self, on, pos): self._set_something('position', on, pos) def set_rotation(self, on, rot): self._set_something('rotation', on, rot) def set_resolution(self, on, res): self._set_something('mode', on, res) def set_active(self, on, active): v = self._xrandr.state.virtual o = self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on] if not active and = False # don't delete: allow user to re-enable without state being lost if active and not if hasattr(o, 'position'): = True # nothing can go wrong, position already set else: pos = Position((0,0)) for m in self._xrandr.state.outputs[on].modes: # determine first possible mode if m[0]<=v.max[0] and m[1]<=v.max[1]: mode = m break else: raise InadequateConfiguration("Smallest mode too large for virtual.") = True o.position = pos o.mode = mode o.rotation = NORMAL self._force_repaint() self.emit('changed') #################### painting #################### def do_expose_event(self, event): cr = pangocairo.CairoContext(self.window.cairo_create()) cr.rectangle(event.area.x, event.area.y, event.area.width, event.area.height) cr.clip() # clear cr.set_source_rgb(0,0,0) cr.rectangle(0,0,*self.window.get_size()) cr.fill() cr.scale(1/self.factor, 1/self.factor) cr.set_line_width(self.factor*1.5) self._draw(self._xrandr, cr) def _draw(self, xrandr, cr): cfg = xrandr.configuration state = xrandr.state cr.set_source_rgb(0.25,0.25,0.25) cr.rectangle(0,0,*state.virtual.max) cr.fill() cr.set_source_rgb(0.5,0.5,0.5) cr.rectangle(0,0,*cfg.virtual) cr.fill() for on in self.sequence: o = cfg.outputs[on] if not continue rect = (o.tentative_position if hasattr(o, 'tentative_position') else o.position) + o.size center = rect[0]+rect[2]/2, rect[1]+rect[3]/2 # paint rectangle cr.set_source_rgba(1,1,1,0.7) cr.rectangle(*rect) cr.fill() cr.set_source_rgb(0,0,0) cr.rectangle(*rect) cr.stroke() # set up for text textwidth = rect[3 if o.rotation.is_odd else 2] widthperchar = textwidth/len(on) textheight = int(widthperchar * 0.8) # i think this looks nice and won't overflow even for wide fonts newdescr = pango.FontDescription("sans") newdescr.set_size(textheight * pango.SCALE) # create text layout = cr.create_layout() layout.set_font_description(newdescr) layout.set_text(on) # position text layoutsize = layout.get_pixel_size() layoutoffset = -layoutsize[0]/2, -layoutsize[1]/2 cr.move_to(*center) cr.rotate(o.rotation.angle) cr.rel_move_to(*layoutoffset) # pain text cr.show_layout(layout) cr.restore() def _force_repaint(self): # using self.allocation as rect is offset by the menu bar. self.window.invalidate_rect(gtk.gdk.Rectangle(0,0,self._xrandr.state.virtual.max[0]//self.factor,self._xrandr.state.virtual.max[1]//self.factor), False) # this has the side effect of not painting out of the available region on drag and drop #################### click handling #################### def click(self, widget, event): undermouse = self._get_point_outputs(event.x, event.y) if event.button == 1 and undermouse: which = self._get_point_active_output(event.x, event.y) if self._lastclick == (event.x, event.y): # this was the second click to that stack # push the highest of the undermouse windows below the lowest newpos = min(self.sequence.index(a) for a in undermouse) self.sequence.remove(which) self.sequence.insert(newpos,which) # sequence changed which = self._get_point_active_output(event.x, event.y) # pull the clicked window to the absolute top self.sequence.remove(which) self.sequence.append(which) self._lastclick = (event.x, event.y) self._force_repaint() if event.button == 3: if undermouse: target = [a for a in self.sequence if a in undermouse][-1] m = self._contextmenu(target) m.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) else: m = self.contextmenu() m.popup(None, None, None, event.button, event.time) self._lastclick = (event.x, event.y) # deposit for drag and drop until better way found to determine exact starting coordinates def _get_point_outputs(self, x, y): x,y = x*self.factor, y*self.factor outputs = set() for on,o in self._xrandr.configuration.outputs.items(): if not continue if o.position[0]-self.factor <= x <= o.position[0]+o.size[0]+self.factor and o.position[1]-self.factor <= y <= o.position[1]+o.size[1]+self.factor: outputs.add(on) return outputs def _get_point_active_output(self, x, y): undermouse = self._get_point_outputs(x, y) if not undermouse: raise IndexError("No output here.") active = [a for a in self.sequence if a in undermouse][-1] return active #################### context menu #################### def contextmenu(self): m = gtk.Menu() for on in self._xrandr.outputs: i = gtk.MenuItem(on) i.props.submenu = self._contextmenu(on) m.add(i) m.show_all() return m def _contextmenu(self, on): m = gtk.Menu() oc = self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[on] os = self._xrandr.state.outputs[on] enabled = gtk.CheckMenuItem(_("Active")) = if not and not os.connected: enabled.props.sensitive = False enabled.connect('activate', lambda menuitem: self.set_active(on, m.add(enabled) if res_m = gtk.Menu() for r in os.modes: i = gtk.CheckMenuItem("%sx%s"%r) i.props.draw_as_radio = True = (oc.mode == r) def _res_set(menuitem, on, r): try: self.set_resolution(on, r) except InadequateConfiguration, e: self.error_message(_("Setting this resolution is not possible here: %s")%e.message) i.connect('activate', _res_set, on, r) res_m.add(i) or_m = gtk.Menu() for r in ROTATIONS: i = gtk.CheckMenuItem("%s"%r) i.props.draw_as_radio = True = (oc.rotation == r) def _rot_set(menuitem, on, r): try: self.set_rotation(on, r) except InadequateConfiguration, e: self.error_message(_("This orientation is not possible here: %s")%e.message) i.connect('activate', _rot_set, on, r) if r not in os.rotations: i.props.sensitive = False or_m.add(i) res_i = gtk.MenuItem(_("Resolution")) res_i.props.submenu = res_m or_i = gtk.MenuItem(_("Orientation")) or_i.props.submenu = or_m m.add(res_i) m.add(or_i) m.show_all() return m #################### drag&drop #################### def setup_draganddrop(self): self.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [('screenlayout-output', gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)], 0) self.drag_dest_set(0, [('screenlayout-output', gtk.TARGET_SAME_WIDGET, 0)], 0) #self.drag_source_set(gtk.gdk.BUTTON1_MASK, [], 0) #self.drag_dest_set(0, [], 0) self._draggingfrom = None self._draggingoutput = None self.connect('drag-begin', self._dragbegin_cb) self.connect('drag-motion', self._dragmotion_cb) self.connect('drag-drop', self._dragdrop_cb) self.connect('drag-end', self._dragend_cb) self._lastclick = (0,0) def _dragbegin_cb(self, widget, context): try: output = self._get_point_active_output(*self._lastclick) except IndexError: # FIXME: abort? context.set_icon_stock(gtk.STOCK_CANCEL, 10,10) return None self._draggingoutput = output self._draggingfrom = self._lastclick context.set_icon_stock(gtk.STOCK_FULLSCREEN, 10,10) self._draggingsnap = Snap( self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].size, self.factor*5, [(Position((0,0)),self._xrandr.state.virtual.max)]+[ (v.position, v.size) for (k,v) in self._xrandr.configuration.outputs.items() if k!=self._draggingoutput and ] ) def _dragmotion_cb(self, widget, context, x, y, time): if not 'screenlayout-output' in context.targets: # from outside return False if not self._draggingoutput: # from void; should be already aborted return False context.drag_status(gtk.gdk.ACTION_MOVE, time) rel = x-self._draggingfrom[0], y-self._draggingfrom[1] oldpos = self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].position newpos = Position((oldpos[0]+self.factor*rel[0], oldpos[1]+self.factor*rel[1])) self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].tentative_position = self._draggingsnap.suggest(newpos) self._force_repaint() return True def _dragdrop_cb(self, widget, context, x, y, time): if not self._draggingoutput: return try: self.set_position(self._draggingoutput, self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].tentative_position) except InadequateConfiguration: context.finish(False, False, time) #raise # snapping back to the original position should be enought feedback context.finish(True, False, time) def _dragend_cb(self, widget, context): try: del self._xrandr.configuration.outputs[self._draggingoutput].tentative_position except KeyError: pass # already reloaded self._draggingoutput = None self._draggingfrom = None self._force_repaint()