diff -ur xv-3.10a-orig/docs/xv.man xv-3.10a/docs/xv.man
--- xv-3.10a-orig/docs/xv.man	2007-12-22 09:35:05.000000000 -0600
+++ xv-3.10a/docs/xv.man	2007-12-22 10:23:40.000000000 -0600
@@ -21,7 +21,7 @@
 as a PostScript (or PDF) file, as it has gotten enormous
 and is no longer very well suited to the 'man' page format.
 Print a copy of the (100-ish page) manual found in
-.IR docs/xvdocs.ps .
+.IR /usr/share/doc/xv/xvdocs.ps .
 If you are unable to get the manual to print on your printer,
 you may purchase a printed copy of the XV manual.  Click on 'About XV' in
 the program to get further information.