path: root/tar/tar.1
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'tar/tar.1')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 325 deletions
diff --git a/tar/tar.1 b/tar/tar.1
deleted file mode 100644
index ad32bbb..0000000
--- a/tar/tar.1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,325 +0,0 @@
-.\" @(#)tar.1 1.11.1 93/19/22 PJV;
-.TH TAR 1 "15 May 2006"
-tar \- The GNU version of the tar archiving utility
-.B tar
-.B \-
-.B A \-\-catenate \-\-concatenate \||\| c \-\-create \||\| d \-\-diff \-\-compare \||\| \-\-delete \||\| r \-\-append \||\| t \-\-list \||\| u \-\-update \||\| x \-\-extract \-\-get
-.I [ options ]
-.I pathname [ pathname ... ]
-This manual page documents the GNU version of
-.B tar
-, an archiving program designed to store and extract files from
-an archive file known as a
-.IR tarfile.
-.IR tarfile
-may be made on a tape drive, however, it is also common
-to write a
-.IR tarfile
-to a normal file.
-The first argument to
-.B tar
-must be one of the options:
-.BR Acdrtux ,
-followed by any optional functions.
-The final arguments to
-.B tar
-are the names of the files or directories which should be archived. The use
-of a directory name always implies that the subdirectories below should be
-included in the archive.
-.B tar \-xvvf foo.tar
-extract foo.tar
-.B tar \-xvvzf foo.tar.gz
-extract gzipped foo.tar.gz
-.B tar \-cvvf foo.tar foo/
-tar contents of folder foo in foo.tar
-.B One of the following options must be used:
-.B \-A, \-\-catenate, \-\-concatenate
-append tar files to an archive
-.B \-c, \-\-create
-create a new archive
-.B \-d, \-\-diff, \-\-compare
-find differences between archive and file system
-.B \-\-delete
-delete from the archive (not for use on mag tapes!)
-.B \-r, \-\-append
-append files to the end of an archive
-.B \-t, \-\-list
-list the contents of an archive
-.B \-u, \-\-update
-only append files that are newer than copy in archive
-.B \-x, \-\-extract, \-\-get
-extract files from an archive
-.B \-\-allow\-name\-mangling
-re-enable handling of GNUTYPE_NAMES which is now disabled by default
-.B \-\-anchored
-force exclusion patterns to match initial subsequences
-.B \-\-atime\-preserve
-don't change access times on dumped files
-.B \-b, \-\-blocking\-factor N
-use record size of Nx512 bytes (default N=20)
-.B \-B, \-\-read\-full\-records
-reblock as we read (for reading 4.2BSD pipes)
-.B \-\-backup[\=TYPE]
-back up files instead of overwriting (TYPE=numbered, existing, simple)
-.B \-C, \-\-directory DIR
-change to directory DIR
-.B \-\-checkpoint
-print periodic checkpoints
-.B \-\-exclude=PATTERN
-exclude files matching PATTERN
-.B \-f, \-\-file [HOSTNAME:]F
-use archive file or device F (default "\-", meaning stdin/stdout)
-.B \-F, \-\-info\-script F, \-\-new\-volume\-script F
-run script at end of each tape (implies \-M)
-.B \-\-force\-local
-archive file is local even if it has a colon
-.B \-G, \-\-incremental
-create/list/extract old GNU-format incremental backup
-.B \-g, \-\-listed\-incremental F
-create/list/extract new GNU-format incremental backup
-.B \-\-group G
-set group to G while adding files
-.B \-h, \-\-dereference
-don't dump symlinks; dump the files they point to
-.B \-\-help
-print help message
-.B \-i, \-\-ignore\-zeros
-ignore blocks of zeros in archive (normally mean EOF)
-.B \-\-ignore\-case
-ignore case when excluding files
-.B \-\-ignore\-failed\-read
-don't exit with non-zero status on unreadable files
-.B \-j, \-\-bzip2
-filter archive through bzip2, use to decompress .bz2 files.
-WARNING: some previous versions of tar used option \-I to
-filter through bzip2. When writing scripts, use \-\-bzip2
-instead of \-j so that both older and newer tar versions
-will work.
-.B \-k, \-\-keep\-old\-files
-keep existing files; don't overwrite them from archive
-.B \-K, \-\-starting\-file F
-begin at file F in the archive
-.B \-l, \-\-check\-links
-print a message if not all links are dumped
-.B \-L, \-\-tape\-length N
-change tapes after writing N*1024 bytes
-.B \-m, \-\-touch
-don't extract file modified time
-.B \-M, \-\-multi\-volume
-create/list/extract multi-volume archive
-.B \-\-mode M
-set permissions to M while adding files
-.B \-N, \-\-after\-date DATE, \-\-newer DATE
-only store files newer than DATE
-.B \-\-newer\-mtime DATE
-only store files whose contents have changed after DATE
-.B \-\-no\-anchored
-allow exclusion patterns to match any substring (the default)
-.B \-\-no\-ignore\-case
-match patterns case sensitively (the default)
-.B \-\-no\-recursion
-do not recurse into subdirectories
-.B \-o, \-\-no\-same\-owner
-extract files with owner set to current user (the default for non-root
-.B \-\-no\-same\-permissions
-apply umask to extracted files (the default for non-root users)
-.B \-\-no\-wildcards
-do not use wildcards when excluding files
-.B \-\-no\-wildcards\-match\-slash
-don't let wildcards match "/" when excluding files
-.B \-\-null
-for \-T, use "NUL" instead of newline as filename terminator
-.B \-\-numeric\-owner
-always use numbers for user/group names
-.B \-\-old\-archive, \-\-portability
-write a V7 format archive, rather than ANSI format. These options are
-deprecated, please use
-.B \-\-format\=v7
-.B \-\-one\-file\-system
-stay in local file system when creating an archive
-.B \-\-owner O
-set owner to O while adding files
-.B \-O, \-\-to\-stdout
-extract files to standard output
-.B \-p, \-\-same\-permissions, \-\-preserve\-permissions
-ignore umask when extracting files (the default for root)
-.B \-P, \-\-absolute\-names
-don't strip leading `/'s from file names
-.B \-\-posix
-create POSIX compliant archive. This option is deprecated,
-please use
-.B \-\-format\=posix
-.B \-\-preserve
-like \-p \-s
-.B \-R, \-\-block\-number
-show block number within archive with each message
-.B \-\-record\-size SIZE
-use SIZE bytes per record
-.B \-\-recursion
-recurse into directories (the default)
-.B \-\-recursive\-unlink
-remove existing directories before extracting directories of the same
-.B \-\-remove\-files
-remove files after adding them to the archive
-.B \-\-rsh\-command=CMD
-Use remote COMMAND instead of `rsh'. This option exists so that
-people who use something other than the standard `rsh' (e.g., a
-Kerberized `rsh') can access a remote device.
-.B \-S, \-\-sparse
-handle sparse files efficiently
-.B \-s, \-\-same\-order, \-\-preserve\-order
-list of names to extract is sorted to match archive
-.B \-\-same\-owner
-extract files with owner as specified in archive (the default for
-.B \-\-show\-omitted\-dirs
-mention directories that are being skipped over
-.B \-\-suffix SUFFIX
-append SUFFIX to make backup files (default ~)
-.B \-T, \-\-files\-from F
-get names to extract or archive from file F
-.B \-\-totals
-display total bytes written after creating an archive
-.B \-U, \-\-unlink\-first
-unlink & recreate files instead of overwriting
-.B \-\-use\-compress\-program PROG
-filter the archive through PROG (which must accept \-d)
-.B \-v, \-\-verbose
-verbosely list files processed
-.B \-V, \-\-label NAME
-create archive with volume name NAME
-.B \-\-version
-print tar program version number
-.B \-\-volno\-file F
-keep track of current volume (of a multi-volume archive) in F
-.B \-w, \-\-interactive, \-\-confirmation
-ask for confirmation for every action
-.B \-W, \-\-verify
-attempt to verify the archive after writing it
-.B \-\-wildcards
-use wildcards when excluding files (the default)
-.B \-\-wildcards\-match\-slash
-allow wildcards to match "/" (the default)
-.B \-X, \-\-exclude\-from=FILE
-exclude files matching patterns listed in FILE
-.B \-Z, \-\-compress, \-\-uncompress
-filter the archive through compress
-.B \-z, \-\-gzip, \-\-gunzip, \-\-ungzip
-filter the archive through gzip
-.B \-[0\-7][lmh]
-specify drive and density
-The GNU folks, in general, abhor man pages, and create info documents instead.
-Unfortunately, the info document describing tar is licensed under the GFDL with
-invariant cover texts, which violates the Debian Free Software Guidelines. As
-a result, the info documentation for tar is not included in the Debian package.
-If you want to read the complete documentation for GNU tar, please refer to
-the online version at <>.
-This man page was created for the Debian distribution. It does not describe
-all of the functionality of tar, and it is often out of date. Patches to
-improve the coverage and/or accuracy of this man page are appreciated, and
-should be filed as wishlist severity bugs against the Debian tar package,
-not submitted to the GNU tar maintainers.