path: root/extra/ede1/logoutdialog.cpp
diff options
authortnut <thierryn1 at hispeed dot ch>2011-03-13 19:32:51 +0100
committertnut <thierryn1 at hispeed dot ch>2011-03-13 19:32:51 +0100
commit415f68839c99f9431b32ffa48ab9d209e7251812 (patch)
tree86edf1d471bf76a767a40a22c08f5fada555e6e4 /extra/ede1/logoutdialog.cpp
parente8cd7e0e10b883c434cdcb1dc291acd8067c8961 (diff)
ede1 dans ouvert
Diffstat (limited to 'extra/ede1/logoutdialog.cpp')
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 273 deletions
diff --git a/extra/ede1/logoutdialog.cpp b/extra/ede1/logoutdialog.cpp
deleted file mode 100644
index 01f0a5068..000000000
--- a/extra/ede1/logoutdialog.cpp
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,273 +0,0 @@
-// generated by Fast Light User Interface Designer (fluid) version 2,0003
-// Work Panel for EDE is (C) Copyright 2000-2002 by Martin Pekar,
-// this program is provided under the terms of GNU GPL v.2, see file COPYING for more information.
-// Improvements by Vedran Ljubovic (c) 2005.
-#include "logoutdialog.h"
-#include <stdlib.h>
-#include <unistd.h>
-//#include <sys/stat.h>
-#include <efltk/Fl_Util.h>
-#include <efltk/fl_ask.h>
-#include <efltk/x.h> // X stuff
-#include <signal.h>
-#include <efltk/Fl_Image.h> // icons
-// widgets
-Fl_Window* windowLogoutDialog;
-Fl_Round_Button* logoutRadioItemLogoutDialog;
-Fl_Round_Button* restartRadioItemLogoutDialog;
-Fl_Round_Button* shutdownRadioItemLogoutDialog;
-// graphics
-static Fl_Image penguin_pix((const char **)penguin_xpm);
-// globals
-bool dmAvailable;
-char *xdm_fifo;
-bool canShutdown;
-bool sdForceNow;
-bool sdTryNow;
-void SendLogoutMsg(Fl_Window* win)
- Atom _XA_EDE_WM_ACTION = XInternAtom(fl_display, "_EDE_WM_ACTION", False);
- Atom _XA_EDE_WM_LOGOUT = XInternAtom(fl_display, "_EDE_WM_LOGOUT", False);
- XClientMessageEvent evt;
- memset(&evt, 0, sizeof(evt));
- evt.type = ClientMessage;
- evt.window = fl_xid(win);
- evt.format = 32;
- evt.message_type = _XA_EDE_WM_ACTION;
- XSendEvent(fl_display, RootWindow(fl_display, DefaultScreen(fl_display)), False,
- SubstructureNotifyMask, (XEvent*)&evt);
-// This function looks what a user can do and sets other
-// global variables
-void checkPermissions()
- Fl_String xdm_env = Fl_String(getenv("XDM_MANAGED"));
- if (xdm_env == "")
- dmAvailable = false;
- else
- dmAvailable = true;
- // shutting down via XDM fifo
- if (dmAvailable)
- {
- Fl_String_List xdm_env_list = Fl_String_List(xdm_env,",");
- xdm_fifo = xdm_env_list.item(0);
- if (xdm_fifo[0] != '/') // broken config
- {
- dmAvailable = false;
- xdm_fifo = "";
- }
- // can a user shutdown?
- if (xdm_env_list.index_of("maysd")>-1)
- canShutdown = true;
- else
- canShutdown = false;
- // we will use fn/tn only if XDM suggests to do it
- if (xdm_env_list.index_of("fn")>-1)
- sdForceNow = true;
- else
- sdForceNow = false;
- if (xdm_env_list.index_of("tn")>-1)
- sdTryNow = true;
- else
- sdTryNow = false;
- }
- // the old way
- if (!dmAvailable)
- {
- // shutdown cmd with no params shouldn't do anything...
- if (!getuid())
- canShutdown = true;
- }
-// Logout using XDM messaging
-void newLogoutFunction(Fl_Window* win)
- if ((logoutRadioItemLogoutDialog->value()==0) &&
- (restartRadioItemLogoutDialog->value()==0) &&
- (shutdownRadioItemLogoutDialog->value() == 0))
- // this shoudn't happen...
- return;
- if (restartRadioItemLogoutDialog->value()==1)
- {
- if (!canShutdown)
- {
- fl_alert (_("You are not allowed to restart !"));
- return;
- }
- FILE *fd = fopen(xdm_fifo, "w");
- Fl_String method;
- if (sdForceNow)
- method = "shutdown\treboot\tforcenow\n";
- else if (sdTryNow)
- method = "shutdown\treboot\ttrynow\n";
- else
- method = "shutdown\treboot\tschedule\n";
- fputs ((char *)method, fd);
- fclose (fd);
- }
- if (shutdownRadioItemLogoutDialog->value() == 1)
- {
- if (!canShutdown)
- {
- fl_alert (_("You are not allowed to shutdown !"));
- return;
- }
- FILE *fd = fopen(xdm_fifo, "w");
- Fl_String method;
- if (sdForceNow)
- method = "shutdown\thalt\tforcenow\n";
- else if (sdTryNow)
- method = "shutdown\thalt\ttrynow\n";
- else
- method = "shutdown\thalt\tschedule\n";
- fputs ((char *)method, fd);
- fclose (fd);
- }
- SendLogoutMsg(win);
- XCloseDisplay(fl_display);
- exit(0);
- //XCloseDisplay(fl_display);
- //XSetCloseDownMode(fl_display, DestroyAll);
- //XKillClient(fl_display, AllTemporary);
- //XUngrabServer(fl_display);
- //fl_close_display();
- //exit(0);
-// "brute force" logout function
-// (in case XDM is not available)
-void oldLogoutFunction(Fl_Window* win)
- if (logoutRadioItemLogoutDialog->value()==1)
- {
- SendLogoutMsg(win);
- XCloseDisplay(fl_display);
- exit(0);
- //XKillClient(fl_display, AllTemporary);
- //XUngrabServer(fl_display);
- //fl_close_display();
- //XCloseDisplay(fl_display);
- //exit(0);
- }
- if (restartRadioItemLogoutDialog->value()==1)
- {
-/* if(fl_start_child_process( "shutdown -r now" ) != 0)
- fl_alert("You are not alowed to reboot !"); */
- fl_start_child_process( "init 6" );
- }
- if (shutdownRadioItemLogoutDialog->value() == 1)
- {
- /* if(fl_start_child_process( "shutdown -h now" ) != 0)
- fl_alert("You are not alowed to shutdown !"); */
- fl_start_child_process( "init 0" );
- }
-// Determine logout type
-void LogoutFunction(Fl_Widget *, void* w)
- Fl_Window* win = (Fl_Window*)w;
- if (dmAvailable)
- newLogoutFunction(win);
- else
- oldLogoutFunction(win);
-// Main logout UI and control
-static void cb_Cancel(Fl_Button*, void*)
- windowLogoutDialog->hide();
-void LogoutDialog(Fl_Widget*, void *)
- // first see what options are available
- checkPermissions();
- // draw GUI
- Fl_Window* w;
- {
- Fl_Window* o = windowLogoutDialog = new Fl_Window(171, 160, 330, 190, _("Logout"));
- w = o;
- {
- Fl_Group* o = new Fl_Group(5, 12, 55, 45);
- o->image(penguin_pix);
- o->end();
- }
- {
- Fl_Round_Button* o = logoutRadioItemLogoutDialog = new Fl_Round_Button(80, 67, 225, 20, _("&logout from the current session"));
- o->type(Fl_Round_Button::RADIO);
- o->value(1);
- o->tooltip(_("Logout from the current session."));
- }
- {
- Fl_Round_Button* o = restartRadioItemLogoutDialog = new Fl_Round_Button(80, 88, 225, 20, _("&restart the computer"));
- o->type(Fl_Round_Button::RADIO);
- if (canShutdown)
- o->tooltip(_("Restart the computer."));
- else
- {
- o->tooltip(_("Restart the computer. You do not have privileges to do that."));
- o->deactivate();
- }
- }
- {
- Fl_Round_Button* o = shutdownRadioItemLogoutDialog = new Fl_Round_Button(80, 110, 225, 20, _("&shut down the computer"));
- o->type(Fl_Round_Button::RADIO);
- if (canShutdown)
- o->tooltip(_("Shut down the computer."));
- else
- {
- o->tooltip(_("Shut down the computer. You do not have privileges to do that."));
- o->deactivate();
- }
- }
- {
- Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(85, 157, 80, 25, _("&OK"));
- o->callback((Fl_Callback*)LogoutFunction, w);
- }
- {
- Fl_Button* o = new Fl_Button(170, 157, 80, 25, _("&Cancel"));
- o->callback((Fl_Callback*)cb_Cancel);
- }
- {
- Fl_Box* o = new Fl_Box(65, 7, 260, 63, _("Logout, restart or shut down the computer?"));
- o->label_size(18);
- o->align(132|FL_ALIGN_INSIDE);
- }
- new Fl_Divider(60, 130, 210, 20, "");
- o->x( Fl::info().w/2 - (o->w()/2) );
- o->y( (Fl::info().h/2) - (o->h()/2) );
- o->set_modal();
- o->end();
- }
- windowLogoutDialog->end();
- windowLogoutDialog->show();