path: root/README.md
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diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 7506009..c484eeb 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -5,274 +5,127 @@ Quickie is an [immediate mode gui][IMGUI] library for [LÖVE][LOVE]. Initial
# Example
- local gui = require 'quickie'
- -- widgets are "created" by calling their corresponding functions in love.update.
- -- if you want to remove a widget, simply don't call the function (just like with
- -- any other love drawable). widgets dont hold their own state - this is your job:
- --
- -- sliders have a value and optional a minimum (default = 0) and maximum (default = 1)
- local slider = {value = 10, min = 0, max = 100}
- -- input boxes have a text and a cursor position (defaults to end of string)
- local input = {text = "Hello, World!", cursor = 0}
- -- checkboxes have only a `checked' status
- local checkbox = {checked = false}
- function love.load()
- -- disable tabbing through the widgets
- gui.core.disableKeyFocus()
- end
- function love.update(dt)
- -- widgets are defined by simply calling them. usually a widget returns true if
- -- if its value changed or if it was activated (click on button, ...)
- if gui.Input(input, 10, 10, 300, 20) then
- print('Text changed:', input.text)
- end
- if gui.Button('Clear', 320,10,100,20) then
- input.text = ""
- end
- -- add more widgets here
- end
- function love.draw()
- -- draw the widgets which were "created" in love.update
- gui.core.draw()
- end
- function love.keypressed(key,code)
- -- forward keyboard events to the gui. If you don't want keyboard support
- -- skip this line
- gui.core.keyboard.pressed(key, code)
- end
-# Modules
-<dt><code>gui = require 'quickie'</code></dt>
-<dd>Main module. <em>Includes all other modules.</em></dd>
-<dt><code>gui.core = require 'quickie.core'</code></dt>
-<dd>Core functionality: Input, display, widget internals, ...</dd>
-<dt><code>gui.style = require 'quickie.style-default'</code></dt>
-<dd>Default widget style. May be replaced by custom style.</dd>
-<dt><code>gui.Button = require 'quickie.button'</code></dt>
-<dd>Button widget.</dd>
-<dt><code>gui.Slider = require 'quickie.slider'</code></dt>
-<dd>Slider widget.</dd>
-<dt><code>gui.Slider2D = require 'quickie.slider2d'</code></dt>
-<dd>2D slider widget.</dd>
-<dt><code>gui.Label = require 'quickie.label'</code></dt>
-<dd>Label widget.</dd>
-<dt><code>gui.Input = require 'quickie.input'</code></dt>
-<dd>Input box widget.</dd>
-<dt><code>gui.Checkbox = require 'quickie.checkbox'</code></dt>
-<dd>Check box widget.</dd>
-# Widgets
-* Widgets are functions; they should return `true` if the state has changed.
-* Widgets don't manage state. That's your job.
-* Calling a widget function creates the widget for the current frame only.
-* Widgets will be shown using `gui.core.draw()`. See the example above.
-## Button
-function gui.Button(label, x,y,w,h, widgetHit, draw)
-#### Parameters:
-* *string* `label`: Button label.
-* *numbers* `x,y,w,h`: Hit box.
-* *function* `widgetHit`: Custom mouse hit function *(optional)*.
-* *function* `draw`: Custom widget style *(optional)*.
-#### Returns:
-* `true` if button was activated.
-#### Hit test function signature:
-function widgetHit(mouse_x, mouse_y, x,y,w,h)
-#### Style function signature:
-function draw(state, title, x,y,w,h)
-## Slider
-function gui.Slider(info, x,y,w,h, widgetHit, draw)
-#### Parameters:
-* *table* `info`: Widget info table. Fields:
- * *number* `info.value`: The slider value *(required)*.
- * *number* `info.min`: Minimum value *(optional, default = 0)*.
- * *number* `info.max`: Maximum value *(optional, default = max(value, 1))*.
- * *number* `info.step`: Step for keyboard input *(optional, default = (max-min)/50)*.
- * *boolean* `info.vertical`: Flags slider as vertical *(optional, default = false)*.
-* *numbers* `x,y,w,h`: Hit box.
-* *function* `widgetHit`: Custom mouse hit function *(optional)*.
-* *function* `draw`: Custom widget style *(optional)*.
-#### Returns:
-* `true` if slider value changed.
-#### Hit test function signature:
-function widgetHit(mouse_x, mouse_y, x,y,w,h)
-#### Style function signature:
-function draw(state, fraction, x,y,w,h, vertical)
-## Slider2D
-function gui.Slider2D(info, x,y,w,h, widgetHit, draw)
-#### Parameters:
-* *table* `info`: Widget info table. Fields:
- * *table* `info.value = {x = x, y = y}`: The slider value *(required)*.
- * *table* `info.min = {x = x, y = y}`: Minimum value *(optional, `default = {x = 0, y = 0}`)*.
- * *table* `info.max = {x = x, y = y}`: Maximum value *(optional, `default = {x = max(value.x, 1), y = max(value.y, 1)}`)*.
- * *table* `info.step = {x = x, y = y}`: Step for keyboard input *(optional)*.
-* *numbers* `x,y,w,h`: Hit box.
-* *function* `widgetHit`: Custom mouse hit function *(optional)*.
-* *function* `draw`: Custom widget style *(optional)*.
-#### Returns:
-* `true` if slider value changed.
-#### Hit test function signature:
-function widgetHit(mouse_x, mouse_y, x,y,w,h)
-#### Style function signature:
-function draw(state, fraction, x,y,w,h)
-**Note:** `fraction = {x = [0..1], y = [0..1]}` is a table argument
-## Label
-function gui.Label(text, x,y,w,h, align, draw)
-#### Parameters:
-* *string* `text`: Label text.
-* *numbers* `x,y`: Upper left corner of the label's bounding box.
-* *numbers* `w,h`: Width and height of the bounding box *(optional, `default = 0,0`)*.
-* *string* `align`: Text alignment. One of `left`, `center`, `right`. *(optional, `default = 'left'`)*
-* *function* `draw`: Custom widget style *(optional)*.
-#### Returns:
-* `false`.
-#### Style function signature:
-function draw(state, text, x,y,w,h, align)
-## Input
-function gui.Input(info, x,y,w,h, widgetHit, draw)
-#### Parameters:
-* *table* `info`: Widget info table. Fields:
- * *string* `info.text`: Entered text *(optional `default = ""`)*.
- * *number* `info.cursor`: Cursor position *(optional `default = info.text:len()`).
-* *numbers* `x,y,w,h`: Hit box.
-* *function* `widgetHit`: Custom mouse hit function *(optional)*.
-* *function* `draw`: Custom widget style *(optional)*.
-#### Returns:
-* `true` if textbox value was changed.
-#### Hit test function signature:
-function widgetHit(mouse_x, mouse_y, x,y,w,h)
-#### Style function signature:
-function draw(state, text, cursor, x,y,w,h)
-## Checkbox
-function gui.Checkbox(info, x,y,w,h, widgetHit, draw)
-#### Parameters:
-* *string* `info`: Widget info table. Fields:
- * *boolean* `checked`: Whether the box is checked.
-* *numbers* `x,y,w,h`: Hit box.
-* *function* `widgetHit`: Custom mouse hit function *(optional)*.
-* *function* `draw`: Custom widget style *(optional)*.
-#### Returns:
-* `true` if box was checked/unchecked.
-#### Hit test function signature:
-function widgetHit(mouse_x, mouse_y, x,y,w,h)
-#### Style function signature:
-function draw(state, checked, x,y,w,h)
-# Core functions
+ local gui = require "Quickie"
+ -- lazy font loading
+ local fonts = setmetatable({}, {__index = function(t,k)
+ local f = love.graphics.newFont(k)
+ rawset(t, k, f)
+ return f
+ end })
+ function love.load()
+ love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(17,17,17)
+ love.graphics.setFont(fonts[12])
+ -- group defaults
+ gui.group.default.size[1] = 150
+ gui.group.default.size[2] = 25
+ gui.group.default.spacing = 5
+ end
+ local menu_open = {
+ main = false,
+ right = false,
+ foo = false,
+ demo = false
+ }
+ local check1 = {checked = false, label = "Checkbox"}
+ local check2 = {checked = false, label = "Another one"}
+ local input = {text = ""}
+ local slider = {value = .5}
+ local slider2d = {value = {.5,.5}}
+ function love.update(dt)
+ gui.group.push{grow = "down", pos = {5,5}}
+ if gui.Button{text = "Menu"} then
+ menu_open.main = not menu_open.main
+ end
+ if menu_open.main then
+ gui.group.push{grow = "right"}
+ if gui.Button{text = "Group stacking"} then
+ menu_open.right = not menu_open.right
+ end
+ if menu_open.right then
+ gui.group.push{grow = "up"}
+ if gui.Button{text = "Foo"} then
+ menu_open.foo = not menu_open.foo
+ end
+ if menu_open.foo then
+ gui.Button{text = "???"}
+ end
+ gui.group.pop{}
+ gui.Button{text = "Bar"}
+ gui.Button{text = "Baz"}
+ end
+ gui.group.pop{}
+ if gui.Button{text = "Widget demo"} then
+ menu_open.demo = not menu_open.open
+ end
+ end
+ gui.group.pop{}
+ if menu_open.demo then
+ gui.group.push{grow = "down", pos = {200, 80}}
+ love.graphics.setFont(fonts[20])
+ gui.Label{text = "Widgets"}
+ love.graphics.setFont(fonts[12])
+ gui.group.push{grow = "right"}
+ gui.Button{text = "Button"}
+ gui.Button{text = "Tight Button", size = {"tight"}}
+ gui.Button{text = "Tight² Button", size = {"tight", "tight"}}
+ gui.group.pop{}
+ gui.group.push{grow = "right"}
+ gui.Button{text = "", size = {2}}
+ gui.Label{text = "Tight Label", size = {"tight"}}
+ gui.Button{text = "", size = {2}}
+ gui.Label{text = "Center Label", align = "center"}
+ gui.Button{text = "", size = {2}}
+ gui.Label{text = "Another Label"}
+ gui.Button{text = "", size = {2}}
+ gui.group.pop{}
+ gui.group.push{grow = "right"}
+ gui.Checkbox{info = check1, size = {"tight"}}
+ gui.Checkbox{info = check2}
+ gui.group.pop{}
+ gui.group.push{grow = "right"}
+ gui.Label{text = "Input", size = {70}}
+ gui.Input{info = input, size = {300}}
+ gui.group.pop{}
+ gui.group.push{grow = "right"}
+ gui.Label{text = "Slider", size = {70}}
+ gui.Slider{info = slider}
+ gui.Label{text = ("Value: %.2f"):format(slider.value), size = {70}}
+ gui.group.pop{}
+ gui.Label{text = "2D Slider", pos = {nil,10}}
+ gui.Slider2D{info = slider2d, size = {250, 250}}
+ gui.Label{text = ("Value: %.2f, %.2f"):format(slider2d.value[1], slider2d.value[2])}
+ end
+ end
+ function love.draw()
+ gui.core.draw()
+ end
+ function love.keypressed(key, code)
+ gui.keyboard.pressed(key, code)
+ end
+# Documentation
+To be done...
# License