path: root/utf8.lua
Commit message (Collapse)AuthorAgeFilesLines
* Added utf8.encodehryx2013-12-311-0/+35
| | | | | | | Here's a function that takes a Unicode code point and returns the corresponding UTF-8 encoded character bytes. Example: utf8.encode(0x265c) -- returns '♜' Please feel free to edit or revert if it's not your style. It might not be relevant to Quickie, though it's a handy UTF-8 utility.
* [utf8.la] Add license, documentation.Matthias Richter2013-12-111-0/+63
* Fix bug in input.lua, make 0.9-ready, add utf8 editingMatthias Richter2013-12-111-0/+70
1) [input.lua] Pressing backspace while the cursor was at the beggining of the text removed the first character. Fixed thanks to riidom. 2) [LÖVE 0.9] Use setLine(Width|Style) instead of setLine. Split keyboard.pressed() into keyboard.pressed() and keyboard.textinput(). (see readme) 3) [utf8.lua] Add support for UTF-8 text editing. May still fail spectacurlarly with invalid UTF-8 strings.