path: root/base/pkg-get/pkg-get.po
diff options
authortnut <thierryn1 at hispeed dot ch>2011-03-27 15:49:30 +0200
committertnut <thierryn1 at hispeed dot ch>2011-03-27 15:49:30 +0200
commit5e5c2d317d9afe7327a75a6c35099510e1f8bb9c (patch)
tree71c67c4cf3532953851edd13a9de6d1964b22f9c /base/pkg-get/pkg-get.po
parentd460c8b6b98046aaad341547116f9a8a1051fe36 (diff)
pkg-get, remplacé par pkg-get-awk
Diffstat (limited to 'base/pkg-get/pkg-get.po')
1 files changed, 204 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/base/pkg-get/pkg-get.po b/base/pkg-get/pkg-get.po
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..d0d83732c
--- /dev/null
+++ b/base/pkg-get/pkg-get.po
@@ -0,0 +1,204 @@
+msgid "Paquet"
+msgstr "Package"
+msgid "non install\303\251"
+msgstr "not installed"
+msgid "- d\303\251pendences ([i] = install\303\251, [u] = mise \303\240 jour possible)"
+msgstr "- dependencies ([i] = installed, [u] = upgradable)"
+msgid "Diff\303\251rences entre paquets install\303\251s et paquets disponibles dans le d\303\251p\303\264ts:\n"
+msgstr "Differences between installed packages and packages availables in the repository\n"
+msgid "Install\303\251"
+msgstr "Installed"
+msgid "Disponible dans les d\303\251p\303\264ts\n"
+msgstr "Available in the repositories\n"
+msgid "Usage:"
+msgstr "Usage:"
+msgid "affiche la version install\303\251e de <paquet>"
+msgstr "show installed version of <paquet>"
+msgid "affiche la liste des paquets d\303\251pendants de <paquet>"
+msgstr "list packages dependents of <paquet>"
+msgid "affiche la liste des d\303\251pendances de <paquet>"
+msgstr "list dependencies of <paquet>"
+msgid "installe <paquet(s)> et ses(leurs) d\303\251pendances"
+msgstr "install <paquet(s)> and their dependencies"
+msgid "affiche la liste des paquets obsol\303\250tes"
+msgstr "list outdated packages"
+msgid "cherche les paquets dont le nom/la description contient <chaine>"
+msgstr "search for packages which name or description contain <chaine>"
+msgid "affiche cette aide"
+msgstr "display help screen"
+msgid "affiche les informations concernant <paquet>"
+msgstr "show information about <paquet>"
+msgid "affiche si <paquet> est install\303\251"
+msgstr "display whether a package is installed"
+msgid "installe <paquet(s)>"
+msgstr "install <paquet(s)>"
+msgid "affiche la liste des paquets disponibles dans les d\303\251p\303\264ts"
+msgstr "list packages available in repositories"
+msgid "affiche la liste des paquets install\303\251s"
+msgstr "list installed packages"
+msgid "affiche la liste des paquets verrouill\303\251s"
+msgstr "list locked packages"
+msgid "verrouille <paquet(s)> (emp\303\252che la mise \303\240 jour)"
+msgstr "lock <paquet(s)"
+msgid "affiche le r\303\251pertoire d'installtion de <paquet>"
+msgstr "show local path of <paquet>"
+msgid "affiche la liste abr\303\251g\303\251e des d\303\251pendances de <paquet>"
+msgstr "show a brief list of dependencies for <paquet>"
+msgid "affiche la liste abr\303\251g\303\251e des paquets obsol\303\250tes"
+msgstr "show a brief list of outdated packages"
+msgid "affiche les informations README de <paquet> si existantes"
+msgstr "print README information (if available) for the package"
+msgid "cherche les paquets dont le nom contient <chaine>"
+msgstr "search for packages which name contains <chaine>"
+msgid "met \303\240 jour les paquets obsol\303\250tes, t\303\251l\303\251charge si n\303\251cessaire"
+msgstr "update outdated packages, download if necessary"
+msgid "d\303\251verrouille <paquet(s)> (permet la mise \303\240 jour)"
+msgstr "unlock <paquet(s)"
+msgid "met \303\240 jour <paquet(s)>, t\303\251l\303\251charge si n\303\251cessaire"
+msgstr "update <paquet(s)>, download if necessary"
+msgid "affiche la version de ce script"
+msgstr "show this script version"
+msgid "Exemple:"
+msgstr "Exemple:"
+msgid "Nom "
+msgstr "Name"
+msgid "Groupe"
+msgstr "Group "
+msgid "Taille"
+msgstr "Size "
+msgid "D\303\251pend de "
+msgstr "Depends on"
+msgid "non trouv\303\251"
+msgstr "not found"
+msgid "Le paquet"
+msgstr "The package"
+msgid "est install\303\251"
+msgstr "is installed"
+msgid "est déjà install\303\251"
+msgstr "is already installed"
+msgid "n'est pas install\303\251"
+msgstr "isn't installed"
+msgid "D\303\251sol\303\251, fonction"
+msgstr "Sorry, function"
+msgid "indisponible"
+msgstr "unavailable"
+msgid "Usage"
+msgstr "Usage"
+msgid "Quelques commandes"
+msgstr "Some comands"
+msgid "synchronise avec le d\303\251p\303\264t"
+msgstr "syncronize local packages with the ones from the remote repository"
+msgid "installe package(s) et ses(leurs) d\303\251pendances"
+msgstr "install given packages and relative dependencies"
+msgid "informations concernant le package"
+msgstr "show information about package"
+msgid "met \303\240 jour les paquets obsol\303\250tes"
+msgstr "update all outdated packages"
+msgid "Quelques options:"
+msgstr "Some options:"
+msgid "utilise les scripts install"
+msgstr "use install scripts"
+msgid "Examples"
+msgstr "Examples"
+msgid "Pour d'autres commandes et examples, voir la page de manuel"
+msgstr "For other commands and samples, see the pkg-get(8) man page"
+msgid "paquet \303\240 mettre \303\240 jour:"
+msgstr "updatable package"
+msgid "Veuillez ex\303\251cuter ce programme en tant que root !"
+msgstr "Please run this script as root !"
+msgid "Param\303\250tre"
+msgstr "Parameter"
+msgid "erron\303\251"
+msgstr "wrong"
+msgid "Fichiers"
+msgstr "Files "
+msgid "demande un argument"
+msgstr "requires an argument"
+msgid "t\303\251l\303\251charge seulement"
+msgstr "download only"
+msgid "utilise"
+msgstr "use"
+msgid "pour"
+msgstr "for"
+msgid "ERREUR"
+msgstr "ERROR"
+msgid "md5sum erron\303\251 pour "
+msgstr "md5sum mismatching for "
+msgid "requis"
+msgstr "required"
+msgid "trouv\303\251"
+msgstr "found"
+msgid "paquet verrouill\303\251"
+msgstr "locked package"
+msgid "pas de mise \303\240 jour d'un paquet non install\303\251"
+msgstr "no update for a not installed package"
+msgid "paquet d\303\251j\303\240 install\303\251"
+msgstr "already installed package"