diff options
-rw-r--r--Resources/BlueMind midlife.oggbin0 -> 1886704 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/BlueMind.oggbin0 -> 4337148 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/BlueMind.pngbin0 -> 551 bytes
-rw-r--r--Resources/vermin_vibes_1989.ttfbin0 -> 13248 bytes
21 files changed, 801 insertions, 201 deletions
diff --git a/GUI/Common.lua b/GUI/Common.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5b62ed1..0000000
--- a/GUI/Common.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,30 +0,0 @@
-local GUI = {}
-function GUI.drawPolygon(polygon)
- if polygon.Colors then
- love.graphics.setColor(unpack(polygon.Colors))
- end
- if polygon.LineWidth then
- love.graphics.setLineWidth(polygon.LineWidth*(Window.width+Window.height)/2)
- end
- if polygon.Type == "rectangle" then
- love.graphics.rectangle(polygon.DrawMode, polygon.Position.x*Window.width, polygon.Position.y*Window.height,
- polygon.Dimension.width*Window.width, polygon.Dimension.height*Window.height)
- elseif polygon.Type == "polygon" then
- love.graphics.polygon(polygon.DrawMode, polygon.Position.x1*Window.width, polygon.Position.y1*Window.height,
- polygon.Position.x2*Window.width, polygon.Position.y2*Window.height,
- polygon.Position.x3*Window.width, polygon.Position.y3*Window.height,
- polygon.Position.x4*Window.width, polygon.Position.y4*Window.height)
- elseif polygon.Type == "line" then
- love.graphics.line(polygon.Position.x1*Window.width, polygon.Position.y1*Window.height,
- polygon.Position.x2*Window.width, polygon.Position.y2*Window.height)
- elseif polygon.Type == "print" then
- love.graphics.print(polygon.Text, polygon.Position.x*Window.width, polygon.Position.y*Window.height)
- end
-return GUI
diff --git a/GUI/InGame.lua b/GUI/InGame.lua
index 17b1ffd..0f63cb3 100644
--- a/GUI/InGame.lua
+++ b/GUI/InGame.lua
@@ -1,10 +1,16 @@
+ GUI/InGame.lua
+ Game interface
+ by Roildan & piernov
local InGame = {}
-InGame.Polygons = {}
+InGame.Polygons = {} -- Tableau utilisé pour la fonction InGame.drawPolygon(polygon)
-InGame.Colors = { {255, 0, 0, 255}, {255, 128, 0, 255}, {255, 255, 0, 255}, {0, 255, 0, 255}, {128, 128, 128, 255}, {255, 255, 255, 255} }
+InGame.Colors = { {255, 0, 0, 255}, {255, 128, 0, 255}, {255, 255, 0, 255}, {0, 255, 0, 255}, {128, 128, 128, 255}, {255, 255, 255, 255} } -- Tableau de 6 couleurs.
-function InGame.drawPolygon(polygon)
+function InGame.drawPolygon(polygon) -- Fonction pour dessiner.
if polygon.Colors then
@@ -31,7 +37,15 @@ function InGame.drawPolygon(polygon)
-function InGame.loadInterface()
+function InGame.displayPopup(text) -- Display a popup on the center of the screen
+ love.graphics.setFont(Fonts[4])
+ InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.01, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.30, y = 0.40}, Dimension = {width = 0.40, height = 0.20}, Colors = {0, 0, 255, 255}})
+ InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.30, y = 0.40}, Dimension = {width = 0.40, height = 0.20}, Colors = {0, 0, 0, 255}})
+ InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "print", Text = text, Position = {x = 0.45, y = 0.48}, Colors = {255, 255, 255, 255}})
+ love.graphics.setFont(Fonts[3])
+function InGame.loadInterface() -- Interface used in both Solo and Multiplayer mode
love.graphics.setBackgroundColor(0, 0, 0)
-- Inner window border
@@ -47,16 +61,76 @@ function InGame.loadInterface()
table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.05, y = 0.05}, Dimension = {width = 0.35, height = 0.90}, Colors = {0, 0, 0, 255} }) -- Rectangle plein (noir) permettant de cacher les barres diagonales.
table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.05, y = 0.05}, Dimension = {width = 0.35, height = 0.90}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Rectangle de la partie gauche.
table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", Position = { x1 = 0.05, y1 = 0.1, x2 = 0.4, y2 = 0.1}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Ligne séparant le rectangle précédent en 2 partie.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.05, y1 = 0.85, x2 = 0.4, y2 = 0.85}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })-- Ligne séparant le rectangle précédent en 2 partie.
-- Left box buttons
table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.075, y = 0.875}, Dimension = {width = 0.125, height = 0.05}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Rectangle du boutton "Reset".
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "print", Text = "Reset", Position = { x = 0.075+0.035, y = 0.875+0.01 }, Colors = { 255, 255, 255, 255}})
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "print", Text = "Reset", Position = { x = 0.075+0.025, y = 0.875+0.01 }, Colors = { 255, 255, 255, 255}})
table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.25, y = 0.875}, Dimension = {width = 0.125, height = 0.05}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Rectangle du boutton "Valider"
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "print", Text = "Valider", Position = { x = 0.25+0.035, y = 0.875+0.01 }, Colors = { 255, 255, 255, 255}})
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "print", Text = "Ok", Position = { x = 0.25+0.04, y = 0.875+0.01 }, Colors = { 255, 255, 255, 255}})
+ -- Right top box
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.005, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.45, y = 0.05}, Dimension = {width = 0.50, height = 0.75}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Rectangle supérieur de la partie droite.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", Position = { x1 = 0.45, y1 = 0.1, x2 = 0.95, y2 = 0.1}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Ligne séparant le rectangle précédent en 2 partie.
+ -- Right top box content
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.475-0.0025, y1 = 0.75, x2 = 0.52+5*0.075+0.0025, y2 = 0.75}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Barre horizontale en bas.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.475, y1 = 0.75, x2 = 0.475, y2 = 0.15-0.0025}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Grande barre verticale à gauche.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.9, y1 = 0.15-0.0025, x2 = 0.9, y2 = 0.7}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Grande barre verticale à droite.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.03, Position = { x1 = 0.795, y1 = 0.7-0.01, x2 = 0.9+0.005, y2 = 0.7-0.01}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Barre reliant la barre précédente et le rectangle "sécurité".
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.01, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.52, y = 0.66}, Dimension = {width = 0.275, height = 0.05}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Rectangle de la "vie" du joueur.
+ for o = 0, 8 do
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.5475+0.0275*o, y1 = 0.66, x2 = 0.5475+0.0275*o, y2 = 0.71}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Petites séparant le rectangle de la "vie" du joueur.
+ end
+ for j = 0, 6 do
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.77, y1 = 0.15+j*0.075, x2 = 0.785, y2 = 0.15+j*0.075}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 7 petites barres reliant les derniers grands carrés et les petits groupes de 4 petits carrés.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.86, y1 = 0.15+j*0.075, x2 = 0.9, y2 = 0.15+j*0.075}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 7 barres reiant les groupes de 4 petits carrés avec la grande barrre verticale.
+ for i = 0, 3 do
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.01, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.497+i*0.075, y = 0.12+j*0.075}, Dimension = {width = 0.045, height = 0.05}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 4 grands rectangles.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.471+i*0.075, y1 = 0.15+j*0.075, x2 = 0.497+i*0.075, y2 = 0.15+j*0.075}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 4 petites barres reliant entre eux les 4 rectangles précédents.
+ end
+ for k = 0, 1 do
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.785+k*0.075, y1 = 0.1275+j*0.075-0.0005, x2 = 0.785+k*0.075, y2 = 0.1725+j*0.075+0.0005}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 14 barres verticales encadrant les 7 groupes de 4 petits carrés.
+ for l = 0, 1 do
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.0025, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.795+k*0.0325, y = 0.12+l*0.0325+j*0.075}, Dimension = {width = 0.0225, height = 0.025}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 7 groupes de 4 petits rectangles.
+ end
+ for m = 0, 2 do
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.0025, Position = { x1 = 0.785+m*0.0325, y1 = 0.1275+k*0.045+j*0.075, x2 = 0.795+m*0.0325, y2 = 0.1275+k*0.045+j*0.075}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 42 petites barres horizontales reliant entre eux les groupes de 4 petits carrés.
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ -- Right bottom box
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.005, DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.45, y = 0.85}, Dimension = {width = 0.50, height = 0.10}, Colors = {0, 0, 0, 255} }) -- Rectangle plein (noir) permettant de cacher les barres diagonales.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.45, y = 0.85}, Dimension = {width = 0.50, height = 0.10}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Rectangle de la parie droite en bas.
+ -- Right bottom box buttons
+ for i = 0, 5 do
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.50+i*0.075, y = 0.875}, Dimension = {width = 0.04, height = 0.04}, Colors = InGame.Colors[i+1] }) -- Remplissage des 6 carrés par les couleurs du tableau "InGame.Colors".
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x = 0.50+i*0.075, y = 0.875}, Dimension = {width = 0.04, height = 0.04}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 6 carrés.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", Position = { x1 = 0.52+i*0.075, y1 = 0.75, x2 = 0.52+i*0.075, y2 = 0.875}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 6 barres verticales reliant les 6 carrés avec la barre horizontale plus haut.
+ if i < 5 then
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", Position = { x1 = 0.5+i*0.075+0.04, y1 = 0.895, x2 = 0.52+(i+1)*0.075, y2 = 0.895}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 5 barres horizontales reliant les 6 carrées précédents entre eux.
+ end
+ end
+function InGame.loadMultiplayerInterface() -- Addition elements for Multiplayer
-- Left box content
table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.375, y1 = 0.15-0.005, x2 = 0.375, y2 = 0.75+0.005}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Grande barre verticale à droite.
table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.06+0.0025, y1 = 0.15, x2 = 0.08, y2 = 0.15}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Petite barre horizontale à gauche du dernier grand carré du haut (plus petite que les autres sinon elle dépassait de la case).
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.15+0.0025, y1 = 0.55, x2 = 0.19, y2 = 0.55}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Petite barre horizontale
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.02, Position = { x1 = 0.16, y1 = 0.55, x2 = 0.16, y2 = 0.6}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Barre verticale reliant au rectangle suivant.
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle",LineWidth = 0.01, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.135, y = 0.6}, Dimension = {width = 0.05, height = 0.2}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Rectangle de la "vie" du joueur.
+ for o = 0, 8 do
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.135, y1 = 0.62+0.02*o, x2 = 0.185, y2 = 0.62+0.02*o}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Petites séparant le rectangle de la "vie" du joueur.
+ end
for i = 0, 3 do
table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.01, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.08+i*0.075, y = 0.12}, Dimension = {width = 0.045, height = 0.05}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- 4 grands carrés du haut.
@@ -84,53 +158,9 @@ function InGame.loadInterface()
- -- Right top box
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.005, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.45, y = 0.05}, Dimension = {width = 0.50, height = 0.75}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Rectangle supérieur de la partie droite.
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", Position = { x1 = 0.45, y1 = 0.1, x2 = 0.95, y2 = 0.1}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Ligne séparant le rectangle précédent en 2 partie.
-- Right top box content
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.375-0.0025, y1 = 0.75, x2 = 0.52+5*0.075+0.0025, y2 = 0.75}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.475, y1 = 0.75, x2 = 0.475, y2 = 0.15-0.0025}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.9, y1 = 0.15-0.0025, x2 = 0.9, y2 = 0.7}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.03, Position = { x1 = 0.795, y1 = 0.7-0.01, x2 = 0.9+0.005, y2 = 0.7-0.01}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.01, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.52, y = 0.66}, Dimension = {width = 0.275, height = 0.05}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- for j = 0, 6 do
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.77, y1 = 0.15+j*0.075, x2 = 0.785, y2 = 0.15+j*0.075}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.785, y1 = 0.1275+j*0.075-0.0005, x2 = 0.785, y2 = 0.1725+j*0.075+0.0005}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.86, y1 = 0.1275+j*0.075, x2 = 0.86, y2 = 0.1725+j*0.075}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.005, Position = { x1 = 0.86, y1 = 0.15+j*0.075, x2 = 0.9, y2 = 0.15+j*0.075}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- for i = 0, 3 do
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.01, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.497+i*0.075, y = 0.12+j*0.075}, Dimension = {width = 0.045, height = 0.05}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.471+i*0.075, y1 = 0.15+j*0.075, x2 = 0.497+i*0.075, y2 = 0.15+j*0.075}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- end
- for k = 0, 1 do
- for l = 0, 1 do
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.0025, DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.795+k*0.0325, y = 0.12+l*0.0325+j*0.075}, Dimension = {width = 0.0225, height = 0.025}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- end
- for m = 0, 2 do
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.0025, Position = { x1 = 0.785+m*0.0325, y1 = 0.1275+k*0.045+j*0.075, x2 = 0.795+m*0.0325, y2 = 0.1275+k*0.045+j*0.075}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- end
- end
- end
- -- Right bottom box
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.005, DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.45, y = 0.85}, Dimension = {width = 0.50, height = 0.10}, Colors = {0, 0, 0, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "line", Position = { x = 0.45, y = 0.85}, Dimension = {width = 0.50, height = 0.10}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- -- Right bottom box buttons
- for i = 0, 5 do
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.50+i*0.075, y = 0.875}, Dimension = {width = 0.04, height = 0.04}, Colors = InGame.Colors[i+1] })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x = 0.50+i*0.075, y = 0.875}, Dimension = {width = 0.04, height = 0.04}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", Position = { x1 = 0.52+i*0.075, y1 = 0.75, x2 = 0.52+i*0.075, y2 = 0.875}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- if i < 5 then
- table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", Position = { x1 = 0.5+i*0.075+0.04, y1 = 0.895, x2 = 0.52+(i+1)*0.075, y2 = 0.895}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- end
- end
+ table.insert(InGame.Polygons, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.01, Position = { x1 = 0.375-0.0025, y1 = 0.75, x2 = 0.52+5*0.075+0.0025, y2 = 0.75}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Barre horizontale en bas.
return InGame
diff --git a/GUI/Menu.lua b/GUI/Menu.lua
index 29f3386..d5bb455 100644
--- a/GUI/Menu.lua
+++ b/GUI/Menu.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ GUI/Menu.lua
+ Main menu button list
+ by piernov
+ Comment: seems useless too…
return {
Buttons = {
diff --git a/Gamestates/About.lua b/Gamestates/About.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d65b245
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gamestates/About.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
+ Gamestates/About.lua
+ About page
+ by piernov
+local Gui = require "Quickie"
+local Utils = require "Utils"
+local About = {}
+function About:enter()
+ Previous = "Gamestates/Menu"
+function About:update(dt)
+ Gui.group{grow = "down", pos = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}, function()
+ Gui.Label{text = "BlueMind", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}}
+ Gui.Label{text = "A Mastermind(tm)-like game", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}}
+ Gui.Label{text = "by piernov and Roildan", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}}
+ Gui.Label{text = "Music by Choucka", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}}
+ end}
+function About:draw()
+ Gui.core.draw()
+return About
diff --git a/Gamestates/Config.lua b/Gamestates/Config.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..394b115
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gamestates/Config.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+ Gamestates/Config.lua
+ User defined configuration
+ by piernov
+ Comment: currently only used for player_name, but maybe allowing other parameters like sound or display settings will be implemented.
+ A similar file could be used to implement an "High score" feature.
+Config = {}
+Config.player_name = {}
+local Gui = require "Quickie"
+local Utils = require "Utils"
+function Config:loadUserConfig() -- Load user config file
+ if not love.filesystem.exists("userConfig") then
+ love.filesystem.write( "userConfig", "") -- Create the save file if it doesn't exists
+ else
+ for line in love.filesystem.lines("userConfig") do -- Read line by line
+ var, arg = line:match("(.*): (.*)") -- Split following the "<KEY>: <VALUE>" schema
+ if var == "PLAYERNAME" then
+ Config.player_name.text = arg -- Handle player_name
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ if not Config.player_name.text then
+ Config.player_name.text = "BlueMind" -- Set default player_name if nothing was found in the user config file
+ end
+function Config:enter()
+ Previous = "Gamestates/Menu"
+function Config:update(dt)
+ Gui.group.push{grow = "down", pos = {Utils.percentCoordinates(20, 20)}}
+ Gui.Label{text = "Player name", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}}
+ Gui.Input{info = Config.player_name, size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(50, 10)}}
+ if Gui.Button{text = "Save", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(60, 10)}} then
+ love.filesystem.write( "userConfig", "PLAYERNAME: " .. Config.player_name.text) -- Write the new name to the config file
+ end
+ Gui.group.pop{}
+-- Quickie's functions
+function Config:draw()
+ Gui.core.draw()
+function Config:keypressed(key, code)
+ Gui.keyboard.pressed(key)
+function love.textinput(str)
+ Gui.keyboard.textinput(str)
+-- End
+function Config:leave()
+ love.keyboard.setTextInput(false)
+return Config
diff --git a/Gamestates/Game.lua b/Gamestates/Game.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..3bd870a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gamestates/Game.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,65 @@
+ Gamestates/Game.lua
+ Shared game functions between Solo and Multiplayer mode
+ by piernov
+ Comment: this should even get more functions shared like mousepressed.
+local Game = {}
+function Game.checkKeys(received, answer) -- Check the submitter answer against the real one
+ local hints = {}
+ for id, num in ipairs(received) do
+ if tonumber(num) == answer[id] then -- Right
+ table.insert(hints, 1)
+ else -- Misplaced or Wrong
+ for k,v in ipairs(answer) do
+ if tonumber(num) == v then -- Misplaced
+ table.insert(hints, 0)
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ return hints
+function Game.addHints(hints, lineNumber) -- Generate hints rectangles from the checkKeys()-returned table
+ local polygons = {}
+ for i=1,#hints do
+ if tonumber(hints:sub(i, i)) == 1 then -- Show "misplaced" hint
+ table.insert(polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.0025, DrawMode = "fill",
+ Position = { x = 0.795+((#polygons-1)%2)*0.0325, y = 0.12+math.floor(#polygons/2)*0.0325+(lineNumber-1)*0.075},
+ Dimension = {width = 0.0225, height = 0.025}, Colors = {255, 0, 171, 255} })
+ else -- Show "well placed" hint
+ table.insert(polygons, { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.0025, DrawMode = "fill",
+ Position = { x = 0.795+((#polygons-1)%2)*0.0325, y = 0.12+math.floor(#polygons/2)*0.0325+(lineNumber-1)*0.075},
+ Dimension = {width = 0.0225, height = 0.025}, Colors = {171, 171, 171, 255} })
+ end
+ end
+ return polygons
+function Game.genAnswer() -- Generate a random answer
+ local allowedNumbers = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 } -- Select between those numbers, only 6 possibility
+ local tempAnswer = {}
+ while #tempAnswer < 4 do -- Pick 4 numbers
+ local n = love.math.random(#allowedNumbers) -- Randomly in allowedNumbers
+ table.insert(tempAnswer, allowedNumbers[n]) -- Add the number to the answer
+ table.remove(allowedNumbers, n) -- And delete it from allowedNumbers to prevent picking the same number a second time
+ end
+ return tempAnswer
+function Game.init()
+ if not love.getVersion then -- Check if LÖVE is older than 0.9.1, getVersion() introduced in version 0.9.1
+ love.math.random() -- Throw first value since it's not random in LÖVE 0.9.0
+ end
+return Game
diff --git a/Gamestates/Init.lua b/Gamestates/Init.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index 5f42661..0000000
--- a/Gamestates/Init.lua
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-return {
- Solo = require("Gamestates/Solo"),
- Multiplayer = require("Gamestates/Multiplayer")
diff --git a/Gamestates/Menu.lua b/Gamestates/Menu.lua
index cf612bd..37e69a4 100644
--- a/Gamestates/Menu.lua
+++ b/Gamestates/Menu.lua
@@ -1,13 +1,57 @@
+ Gamestates/Menu.lua
+ Main menu
+ by piernov
+ Comment: might not be a good idea to immediately load both Solo and Multiplayer mode.
local Menu = {}
local Gui = require "Quickie"
local Utils = require "Utils"
local GUI = { Menu = require("GUI/Menu")}
-local Gamestates = require "Gamestates/Init"
+local Gamestates = {
+ Solo = require("Gamestates/Solo"),
+ Multiplayer = require("Gamestates/Multiplayer"),
+ About = require("Gamestates/About")
+Gamestates.Options = Config
+function Menu:enter()
+ Previous = nil -- Menu's root
+-- Redefine Quickie's colors
+ Gui.core.style.color.normal.fg[1] = 0
+ Gui.core.style.color.normal.fg[2] = 0
+ Gui.core.style.color.normal.fg[3] = 255
+ Gui.core.style.color.normal.bg[1] = 0
+ Gui.core.style.color.normal.bg[2] = 0
+ Gui.core.style.color.normal.bg[3] = 0
+ Gui.core.style.color.hot.fg[1] = 0
+ Gui.core.style.color.hot.fg[2] = 0
+ Gui.core.style.color.hot.fg[3] = 255
+ Gui.core.style.color.hot.bg[1] = 48
+ Gui.core.style.color.hot.bg[2] = 48
+ Gui.core.style.color.hot.bg[3] = 48
+ Gui.core.style.color.active.fg[1] = 0
+ Gui.core.style.color.active.fg[2] = 0
+ Gui.core.style.color.active.fg[3] = 255
+ Gui.core.style.color.active.bg[1] = 24
+ Gui.core.style.color.active.bg[2] = 24
+ Gui.core.style.color.active.bg[3] = 24
+-- End
function Menu:update(dt)
Gui.group{grow = "down", pos = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}, function()
for _, name in ipairs(GUI.Menu.Buttons) do
- if Gui.Button{text = name, size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(80, 20)}} then
+ if Gui.Button{text = name, size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(80, 20)}} then -- Display main menu buttons and switch gamestate if clicked
diff --git a/Gamestates/Multiplayer.lua b/Gamestates/Multiplayer.lua
index 879a100..0347238 100644
--- a/Gamestates/Multiplayer.lua
+++ b/Gamestates/Multiplayer.lua
@@ -1,18 +1,26 @@
+ Gamestates/Multiplayer.lua
+ Multiplayer menu
+ by piernov
+ Comment: created for an hypothetical Internet mode.
local Multiplayer = {
- Local = require "Gamestates/Multiplayer/Local",
- Internet = require "Gamestates/Multiplayer/Internet"}
+ Local = require "Gamestates/Multiplayer/Local"}
local Gui = require "Quickie"
local Utils = require "Utils"
+function Multiplayer:enter()
+ Previous = "Gamestates/Menu"
function Multiplayer:update(dt)
Gui.group{grow = "down", pos = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}, function()
if Gui.Button{text = "Local", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(80, 20)}} then
- if Gui.Button{text = "Internet", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(80, 20)}} then
- Gamestate.switch(Multiplayer.Internet)
- end
diff --git a/Gamestates/Multiplayer/InGame.lua b/Gamestates/Multiplayer/InGame.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..f94be12
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gamestates/Multiplayer/InGame.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,201 @@
+ Gamestates/Multiplayer/InGame.lua
+ Multiplayer mode
+ by piernov
+local GUI = { InGame = require("GUI/InGame")}
+local Game = require("Gamestates/Game")
+local Protocol = require("Gamestates/Multiplayer/Protocol")
+local InGame = {}
+function InGame:enter(Local) -- Initialize or reset variables when entering game
+ Previous = "Gamestates/Multiplayer/Local"
+ InGame.Keypressed = {{}} -- 2D array for storage of button pressed
+ InGame.Hints = {} -- Hints displayed for local player
+ InGame.opponentHints = {} -- Hints displayed for remote player
+ InGame.state = "playing" -- Default to "playing" but it doesn't mean anything
+ InGame.localLife = {}
+ InGame.remoteLife = {}
+ InGame.host = Local.host
+ InGame.client = Local.client
+ InGame.opponentAnswer = Game.genAnswer() -- Generate answer for the opponent
+ for o = 0, 9 do
+ table.insert(InGame.remoteLife, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.015, Position = { x1 = 0.135, y1 = 0.61+0.02*o, x2 = 0.185, y2 = 0.61+0.02*o}, Colors = {171, 0, 0, 255} }) -- Display life bar content
+ end
+ for o = 0, 9 do
+ table.insert(InGame.localLife, { Type = "line", LineWidth = 0.022, Position = { x1 = 0.535+0.0275*o, y1 = 0.66, x2 = 0.535+0.0275*o, y2 = 0.71}, Colors = {171, 0, 0, 255} }) -- Display life bar content
+ end
+ InGame:resize() -- Call the function filling the canvas
+ InGame.Musiclowlife = love.audio.newSource("Resources/BlueMind midlife.ogg")
+ InGame.Music = love.audio.newSource("Resources/BlueMind.ogg")
+ InGame.Music:setLooping(true)
+ InGame.Music:play()
+function InGame:resize() -- Called in :enter() and when the window is resized
+ InGame.Display = love.graphics.newCanvas(Screen.width, Screen.height) -- Create the canvas containing base interface to avoid drawing it entirely each frame
+ love.graphics.setCanvas(InGame.Display)
+ love.graphics.setFont(Fonts[3]) -- Use font with size 3% by default
+ InGame.Display:clear()
+ for id, polygon in ipairs(GUI.InGame.Polygons) do
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon(polygon)
+ end
+ love.graphics.setCanvas()
+function InGame:init(host, client)
+ Game.init()
+ GUI.InGame.loadInterface()
+ GUI.InGame.loadMultiplayerInterface()
+function InGame:draw()
+ love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
+ love.graphics.setBlendMode('premultiplied')
+ love.graphics.draw(InGame.Display)
+ love.graphics.setBlendMode('alpha')
+ for num, line in ipairs(InGame.Hints) do
+ for k, poly in ipairs(line) do
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon(poly)
+ end
+ end
+ for line, keys in ipairs(InGame.Keypressed) do
+ for id, num in ipairs(keys) do
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.50+(id-1)*0.075, y = 0.15+(line-1)*0.075-0.025}, Dimension = {width = 0.04, height = 0.04}, Colors = GUI.InGame.Colors[num] })
+ end
+ end
+ for num, poly in ipairs(InGame.localLife) do
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon(poly)
+ end
+ for num, poly in ipairs(InGame.remoteLife) do
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon(poly)
+ end
+ for id, num in ipairs(InGame.opponentAnswer) do
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.08+(id-1)*0.075+0.005, y = 0.12+0.005}, Dimension = {width = 0.035, height = 0.04}, Colors = GUI.InGame.Colors[num] }) -- Top left boxes content displaying opponent answer
+ end
+-- Display popup for win/loose and found answer
+ if InGame.state == "found" then
+ GUI.InGame.displayPopup("Found !")
+ elseif InGame.state == "not-found" then
+ GUI.InGame.displayPopup("Not found...")
+ elseif InGame.state == "win" then
+ GUI.InGame.displayPopup("You win !")
+ elseif InGame.state == "loose" then
+ GUI.InGame.displayPopup("You loose...")
+ end
+-- End
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "print", Text = InGame.client.name, Position = { x = 0.15, y = 0.06}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Display remote player's name
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "print", Text = Config.player_name.text, Position = { x = 0.60, y = 0.06}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Display local player's name
+function InGame:update(dt)
+ local event = InGame.host:service()
+ while event ~= nil do -- Handle network events
+ Protocol.parseGlobalEvents(event)
+ if event.type == "receive" then
+ command, args = event.data:match("(.*): (.*)") -- Split received message : "<COMMAND>: <ARGS>"
+ if command == "ANSWER" then
+ local hints = table.concat(Game.checkKeys({args:match("(%d)(%d)(%d)(%d)")}, InGame.opponentAnswer)) -- Process received answers
+ if hints == "1111" then -- Only well-placed hints = answer found
+ event.peer:send("FOUND: TRUE", 0, "reliable")
+ table.remove(InGame.localLife, 1) -- Loss of 1 life point
+ if #InGame.localLife < 1 then -- Empty life
+ InGame.state = "loose"
+ else
+ if #InGame.localLife == 2 then
+ InGame.Music:stop()
+ InGame.Musiclowlife:setLooping(true)
+ InGame.Musiclowlife:play()
+ end
+ InGame.opponentAnswer = Game.genAnswer() -- Generate a new answer
+ InGame.opponentHints = {}
+ end
+ else
+ event.peer:send("HINTS: " .. hints, 0, "reliable")
+ end
+ elseif command == "FOUND" and args == "TRUE" then
+ table.remove(InGame.remoteLife, 1) -- Opponent loose 1 life point
+ if #InGame.remoteLife < 1 then -- Opponent's life is empty, we won
+ InGame.state = "win"
+ else
+ InGame.Keypressed = {{}}
+ InGame.Hints = {}
+ InGame.state = "found"
+ end
+ elseif command == "FOUND" and args == "FALSE" then
+ table.remove(InGame.remoteLife, 1) -- Opponent loose 1 life point
+ InGame.opponentAnswer = Game.genAnswer() -- Generate a new answer
+ InGame.opponentHints = {}
+ elseif command == "HINTS" then
+ table.insert(InGame.Hints, Game.addHints(args, #InGame.Keypressed))
+ InGame.Keypressed[#InGame.Keypressed+1] = {}
+ InGame.state = "playing"
+ if #InGame.Keypressed > 7 then
+ table.remove(InGame.localLife, 1) -- Loss of 1 life point
+ InGame.Keypressed = {{}}
+ InGame.Hints = {}
+ InGame.state = "not-found"
+ event.peer:send("FOUND: FALSE", 0, "reliable")
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ event = InGame.host:service() -- Process next event
+ end
+function InGame:mousepressed(x, y, b) -- Handle mouse
+ if InGame.state == "found" or InGame.state == "not-found" then -- Click anywhere to hide the "found" popup message
+ InGame.state = "playing"
+ end
+ x = x/Screen.width -- relative coordinates
+ y = y/Screen.height
+ if 0.875 < y and y < 0.915 and InGame.state ~= "validating" then -- lower part of the screen, and don't do anything if we're waiting for hints from peer
+ if x > 0.45 then
+ for i = 0,5 do
+ if 0.50+i*0.075 < x and x < 0.50+i*0.075+0.04 then
+ if #InGame.Keypressed > 7 or #InGame.Keypressed[#InGame.Keypressed] >= 4 then -- Line already full
+ return
+ else
+ for k,v in pairs(InGame.Keypressed[#InGame.Keypressed]) do
+ if v == i+1 then
+ return -- Disallow multiple identical colors in same line
+ end
+ end
+ table.insert(InGame.Keypressed[#InGame.Keypressed], i+1) -- Click detected on a color-button
+ end
+ end
+ end
+ elseif 0.25 < x and x < 0.375 and #InGame.Keypressed <= 7 and #InGame.Keypressed[#InGame.Keypressed] == 4 then -- Clik on Ok button
+ local peer = InGame.host:get_peer(InGame.client.index)
+ InGame.state = "validating"
+ peer:send("ANSWER: " .. table.concat(InGame.Keypressed[#InGame.Keypressed]), 0, "reliable")
+ elseif #InGame.Keypressed <= 7 and 0.075 < x and x < 0.200 and #InGame.Keypressed[#InGame.Keypressed] > 0 then -- Click on reset button
+ InGame.Keypressed[#InGame.Keypressed] = {}
+ end
+ end
+function InGame:leave()
+ InGame.Music:stop()
+ InGame.Musiclowlife:stop()
+return InGame
diff --git a/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Internet.lua b/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Internet.lua
deleted file mode 100644
index e69de29..0000000
--- a/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Internet.lua
+++ /dev/null
diff --git a/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Local.lua b/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Local.lua
index aaa13f6..7158866 100644
--- a/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Local.lua
+++ b/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Local.lua
@@ -1,3 +1,11 @@
+ Gamestates/Multiplayer/Local.lua
+ Local connect menu
+ by piernov
+ Comment: we really miss a Bonjour/Avahi Lua binding, only Android NSD is (barely) supported…
local Local = {}
require "enet"
@@ -5,16 +13,20 @@ require "enet"
local Gui = require "Quickie"
local Utils = require "Utils"
+local Protocol = require "Gamestates/Multiplayer/Protocol"
local connect, connected = false, false
Local.server_host = { text = "" }
-Local.myservice = { name = "Mastermind", ip = "*", port = "5678" }
+Local.myservice = { name = "BlueMind", ip = "*", port = 5678 }
+Local.client = {}
-if love.system.getOS() == "Android" then
+-- Android NSD events callback
+if love.system.getOS() == "Android" then -- Won't work on other OS…
Local.services = {}
function love.handlers.serviceregistered(a,b,c,d)
SDL.log("ServiceRegistered: " .. a)
+ Local.myservice.name = a
function love.handlers.discoverystarted(a,b,c,d)
@@ -37,67 +49,128 @@ if love.system.getOS() == "Android" then
Local.services[a] = nil
+-- End
+function Local:enter()
+ Previous = "Gamestates/Multiplayer"
+ connect, connected = false, false
function Local:init()
- Local.host = enet.host_create(Local.myservice.ip .. ":" .. Local.myservice.port)
+ Local.host = enet.host_create(Local.myservice.ip .. ":" .. Local.myservice.port) -- Open network socket
+ local i = Local.myservice.port
+ while not Local.host do -- unable to create socket: most likely port is already used
+ if i > Local.myservice.port+20 then
+ print("Error while creating socket")
+ return 1
+ end
+ Local.myservice.port = Local.myservice.port+1 -- try next port
+ Local.host = enet.host_create(Local.myservice.ip .. ":" .. Local.myservice.port)
+ end
+ Local.myservice.name = Config.player_name.text -- Get player_name from user config
- if love.system.getOS() == "Android" then
- love.android.registerService(Local.myservice.name, "_http._tcp.", Local.myservice.port)
- love.android.discoverServices("_http._tcp.")
+ if love.system.getOS() == "Android" then -- Start Android NSD discovery and publish
+ love.android.registerService(Local.myservice.name, "_bluemind._tcp.", Local.myservice.port)
+ love.android.discoverServices("_bluemind._tcp.")
function Local:update(dt)
- if not connect then
- Gui.group.push{grow = "right"}
+ Gui.group.push{grow = "right"}
- Gui.group.push{grow = "down", pos = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 0)}}
- if love.system.getOS() == "Android" then
- for name, host in pairs(Local.services) do
- if Gui.Button{text = name .. " " .. host.ip .. ":" .. host.port, size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(60, 10)}} then
- Local.server_host.text = host.ip.. ":" .. host.port
- connect = true
- return
+ Gui.group.push{grow = "down", pos = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 0)}}
+ if love.system.getOS() == "Android" then -- List discovered services
+ for name, host in pairs(Local.services) do
+ if Gui.Button{text = name .. " " .. host.ip .. ":" .. host.port, size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(60, 10)}} then
+ Local.server_host.text = host.ip.. ":" .. host.port
+ if connected then
+ Local.host:disconnect()
+ connected = false
+ connect = true
+ return
+ end
+-- Manually entering peer's address
+ Gui.Label{text = "Host", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}}
+ Gui.Input{info = Local.server_host, size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(50, 10)}}
+ if Gui.Button{text = "Connect", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(60, 10)}} then
+ connect = true
+ end
+-- End
+-- Handle connection and display a proposition message
+ if Local.client.name and not connect then
+ Gui.Label{text = args .. " connected to you. Play a game ?"}
+ Gui.group.push{grow = "right"}
+ if Gui.Button{text = "Yes", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}} then
+ Protocol.acceptGame(Local.host, Local.client.index, true)
+ Gamestate.switch(require("Gamestates/Multiplayer/InGame"))
+ end
+ if Gui.Button{text = "No", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}} then
+ Protocol.acceptGame(Local.host, Local.client.index, false)
+ Local.client = {}
+ end
+ Gui.group.pop{}
+ end
+-- End
- Gui.Label{text = "Host", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 10)}}
- Gui.Input{info = Local.server_host, size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(50, 10)}}
- if Gui.Button{text = "Connect", size = {Utils.percentCoordinates(60, 10)}} then
- connect = true
- end
- Gui.group.pop{}
- Gui.group.push{grow = "down", pos = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 0)}}
- Gui.Label{text = "My infos"}
- Gui.Label{text = "Name: " .. Local.myservice.name}
- Gui.Label{text = "Host: " .. Local.myservice.ip .. ":" .. Local.myservice.port}
- Gui.group.pop{}
+ Gui.group.pop{}
- Gui.group.pop{}
- elseif not connected then
+-- Show local player name and host
+ love.graphics.setFont(Fonts[3])
+ Gui.group.push{grow = "down", pos = {Utils.percentCoordinates(10, 0)}}
+ Gui.Label{text = "My infos"}
+ Gui.Label{text = "Name: " .. Local.myservice.name}
+ Gui.Label{text = "Host: " .. Local.myservice.ip .. ":" .. Local.myservice.port}
+ Gui.group.pop{}
+ love.graphics.setFont(Fonts[4])
+-- End
+ Gui.group.pop{}
+ if connect and not connected then
connected = true
- else
- local event = Local.host:service()
- while event ~= nil do
- if event.type == "receive" then
- print("Receive ", event.data, event.peer)
- elseif event.type == "connect" then
- if event.peer:index() > 1 then
- print("Already connected")
- else
- print("Local " .. tostring(event.peer) .. " " .. event.peer:state() .. " " .. tostring(event.peer:connect_id()))
+ end
+ local event = Local.host:service()
+ while event ~= nil do -- Process network events
+ Protocol.parseGlobalEvents(event)
+ if event.type == "receive" then
+ command, args = event.data:match("(.*): (.*)")
+ if command == "CONNECT" then
+ Local.client.name = args
+ event.peer:send("CONNECTED: ".. Local.myservice.name, 0, "reliable")
+ elseif command == "CONNECTED" then
+ Local.client.name = args
+ elseif command == "ACCEPT" then
+ if args == "YES" then
+ Gamestate.switch(require("Gamestates/Multiplayer/InGame"))
+ elseif args == "NO" then
+ event.peer:disconnect()
+ connect, connected = false, false
+ Local.client = {}
- elseif event.type == "disconnect" then
- print("Disconnect " .. tostring(event.peer))
- event = Local.host:service()
+ elseif event.type == "connect" then
+ if event.peer:index() <= 1 then
+ Local.client.index = event.peer:index()
+ end
+ if connected then
+ event.peer:send("CONNECT: ".. Local.myservice.name, 0, "reliable")
+ end
+ event = Local.host:service()
@@ -114,4 +187,8 @@ function love.textinput(str)
+function Local:leave()
+ love.keyboard.setTextInput(false)
return Local
diff --git a/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Protocol.lua b/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Protocol.lua
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..6f3b739
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Gamestates/Multiplayer/Protocol.lua
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
+ Gamestates/Multiplayer/Protocol.lua
+ Some functions involved in talking between 2 clients
+ by piernov
+ Comment: maybe useless.
+local Protocol = {}
+function Protocol.acceptGame(host, peer_id, accept) -- Send an answer to a connection from another player
+ local peer = host:get_peer(peer_id)
+ if accept then
+ peer:send("ACCEPT: YES", 0, "reliable")
+ else
+ peer:send("ACCEPT: NO", 0, "reliable")
+ peer:disconnect_later()
+ end
+function Protocol.parseGlobalEvents(event) -- Shared function between local menu and game which disallow multiple connections and handle disconnect
+ if event.type == "connect" then
+ if event.peer:index() > 1 then
+ print("Already connected")
+ event.peer:disconnect(2)
+ end
+ elseif event.type == "disconnect" then
+ print("Disconnect " .. tostring(event.peer))
+ if event.data == 2 then
+ print("Peer is busy")
+ event.peer:disconnect()
+ end
+ end
+return Protocol
diff --git a/Gamestates/Solo.lua b/Gamestates/Solo.lua
index 8d50ad6..7cd85da 100644
--- a/Gamestates/Solo.lua
+++ b/Gamestates/Solo.lua
@@ -1,62 +1,57 @@
+ Gamestates/Solo.lua
+ Solo mode
+ by piernov
local GUI = { InGame = require("GUI/InGame")}
+local Game = require("Gamestates/Game")
local Solo = {}
-Solo.Keypressed = {{}}
-Solo.Answer = {}
-Solo.Hints = {}
+function Solo:enter() -- Initialize or reset variables when entering game
+ Previous = "Gamestates/Menu"
+ Solo.Keypressed = {{}} -- 2D array for storage of button pressed
+ Solo.Hints = {} -- Hints displayed
+ Solo.state = "playing" -- Default to "playing" but it doesn't mean anything
-function Solo:checkKeys()
- local found = true
- Solo.Hints[#Solo.Hints+1] = {}
+ Solo.Answer = Game.genAnswer() -- Generate answer
- for id, num in ipairs(Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed]) do
- if num == Solo.Answer[id] then -- Right
- table.insert(Solo.Hints[#Solo.Hints], { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.0025, DrawMode = "fill",
- Position = { x = 0.795+((#Solo.Hints[#Solo.Hints]-1)%2)*0.0325, y = 0.12+math.floor(#Solo.Hints[#Solo.Hints]/2)*0.0325+(#Solo.Keypressed-1)*0.075},
- Dimension = {width = 0.0225, height = 0.025}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} })
- else -- Misplaced or Wrong
- found = false
- for k,v in ipairs(Solo.Answer) do
- if num == v then -- Misplaced
- table.insert(Solo.Hints[#Solo.Hints], { Type = "rectangle", LineWidth = 0.0025, DrawMode = "fill",
- Position = { x = 0.795+((#Solo.Hints[#Solo.Hints]-1)%2)*0.0325, y = 0.12+math.floor(#Solo.Hints[#Solo.Hints]/2)*0.0325+(#Solo.Keypressed-1)*0.075},
- Dimension = {width = 0.0225, height = 0.025}, Colors = {171, 171, 171, 255} })
- end
- end
+ -- Debug
+ if Debug == true then
+ for k,v in ipairs(Solo.Answer) do
+ print(k,v)
- return found
+ Solo:resize() -- Call the function filling the canvas
+ Solo.Music = love.audio.newSource("Resources/BlueMind.ogg")
+ Solo.Music:setLooping(true)
+ Solo.Music:play()
+function Solo:resize() -- Called in :enter() and when the window is resized
+ Solo.Display = love.graphics.newCanvas(Screen.width, Screen.height) -- Create the canvas containing base interface to avoid drawing it entirely each frame
+ love.graphics.setCanvas(Solo.Display)
+ love.graphics.setFont(Fonts[3]) -- Use font with size 3% by default
+ Solo.Display:clear()
+ for id, polygon in ipairs(GUI.InGame.Polygons) do
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon(polygon)
+ end
+ love.graphics.setCanvas()
function Solo:init()
+ Game.init()
- tmpanswer = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 }
- if not love.getVersion then -- Check if LÖVE is older than 0.9.1, getVersion() introduced in version 0.9.1
- love.math.random() -- Throw first value since it's not random in LÖVE 0.9.0
- end
- while #Solo.Answer < 4 do
- local n = love.math.random(#tmpanswer)
- table.insert(Solo.Answer, tmpanswer[n])
- table.remove(tmpanswer, n) -- table.insert(GUI.InGame.Polygons, { Type = "print", Text = n, Position = {x = 0.1+i*0.01, y = 0.5}, Colors = {255, 255, 255, 255}})
- end
- -- Debug
- for k,v in ipairs(Solo.Answer) do
- print(k,v)
- table.insert(GUI.InGame.Polygons, { Type = "print", Text = v, Position = {x = 0.1+k*0.01, y = 0.5}, Colors = {255, 255, 255, 255}})
- end
function Solo:draw()
- for id, polygon in ipairs(GUI.InGame.Polygons) do
- GUI.InGame.drawPolygon(polygon)
- end
+ love.graphics.setColor(255, 255, 255, 255)
+ love.graphics.setBlendMode('premultiplied')
+ love.graphics.draw(Solo.Display)
+ love.graphics.setBlendMode('alpha')
for num, line in ipairs(Solo.Hints) do
for k, poly in ipairs(line) do
@@ -69,16 +64,32 @@ function Solo:draw()
GUI.InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.50+(id-1)*0.075, y = 0.15+(line-1)*0.075-0.025}, Dimension = {width = 0.04, height = 0.04}, Colors = GUI.InGame.Colors[num] })
+ -- Debug
+ if Debug == true then
+ for id, num in ipairs(Solo.Answer) do
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "rectangle", DrawMode = "fill", Position = { x = 0.08+(id-1)*0.075+0.005, y = 0.12+0.005}, Dimension = {width = 0.035, height = 0.04}, Colors = GUI.InGame.Colors[num] }) -- Display answer
+ end
+ end
+ if Solo.state == "found" then
+ GUI.InGame.displayPopup("Found !")
+ end
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "print", Text = "Solo", Position = { x = 0.15, y = 0.06}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Display "Solo" text
+ GUI.InGame.drawPolygon({ Type = "print", Text = Config.player_name.text, Position = { x = 0.60, y = 0.06}, Colors = {0, 0, 171, 255} }) -- Display local player's name
-function Solo:mousepressed(x, y, b)
- x = x/Screen.width
+function Solo:mousepressed(x, y, b) -- Handle mouse
+ if Solo.state == "found" then return end -- Don't do anything if answer is already found
+ x = x/Screen.width -- relative coordinates
y = y/Screen.height
- if 0.875 < y and y < 0.915 then
+ if 0.875 < y and y < 0.915 then -- lower part of the screen
if x > 0.45 then
for i = 0,5 do
if 0.50+i*0.075 < x and x < 0.50+i*0.075+0.04 then
- if #Solo.Keypressed > 7 or #Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed] >= 4 then
+ if #Solo.Keypressed > 7 or #Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed] >= 4 then -- Line already full
for k,v in pairs(Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed]) do
@@ -87,20 +98,26 @@ function Solo:mousepressed(x, y, b)
- table.insert(Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed], i+1)
+ table.insert(Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed], i+1) -- Click detected on a color-button
- elseif 0.25 < x and x < 0.375 and #Solo.Keypressed <= 7 and #Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed] == 4 then
- if Solo.checkKeys() then
- table.insert(GUI.InGame.Polygons, { Type = "print", Text = "FOUND !", Position = {x = 0.5, y = 0.5}, Colors = {255, 255, 255, 255}})
+ elseif 0.25 < x and x < 0.375 and #Solo.Keypressed <= 7 and #Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed] == 4 then -- Clik on Ok button
+ local hints = table.concat(Game.checkKeys(Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed], Solo.Answer))
+ if hints == "1111" then
+ Solo.state = "found"
+ table.insert(Solo.Hints, Game.addHints(hints, #Solo.Keypressed))
Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed+1] = {}
- elseif #Solo.Keypressed <= 7 and 0.075 < x and x < 0.200 and #Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed] > 0 then
+ elseif #Solo.Keypressed <= 7 and 0.075 < x and x < 0.200 and #Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed] > 0 then -- Click on reset button
Solo.Keypressed[#Solo.Keypressed] = {}
+function Solo:leave()
+ Solo.Music:stop()
return Solo
diff --git a/Resources/BlueMind midlife.ogg b/Resources/BlueMind midlife.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..78bf0e0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/BlueMind midlife.ogg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/BlueMind.ogg b/Resources/BlueMind.ogg
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b80d792
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/BlueMind.ogg
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/BlueMind.png b/Resources/BlueMind.png
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..d3f7f16
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/BlueMind.png
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Resources/vermin_vibes_1989.ttf b/Resources/vermin_vibes_1989.ttf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..b3873ba
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Resources/vermin_vibes_1989.ttf
Binary files differ
diff --git a/Utils.lua b/Utils.lua
index c811e1b..bbae94d 100644
--- a/Utils.lua
+++ b/Utils.lua
@@ -1,9 +1,17 @@
+ Utils.lua
+ Used for unclassified functions
+ by piernov
+ Comment: a bit useless, but still a more convenient than nothing for Quickie's functions
local Utils = {}
-function Utils.percentCoordinates(x, y)
+function Utils.percentCoordinates(x, y) -- Convert percentage to absolute coordinates
x = (x/100)*Screen.width
y = (y/100)*Screen.height
return x, y
-return Utils \ No newline at end of file
+return Utils
diff --git a/conf.lua b/conf.lua
index fa40609..17f7461 100644
--- a/conf.lua
+++ b/conf.lua
@@ -1,11 +1,17 @@
+ conf.lua
+ Core configuration file
+ by piernov
function love.conf(t)
t.identity = nil -- The name of the save directory (string)
t.version = "0.9.0" -- The LÖVE version this game was made for (string)
t.console = false -- Attach a console (boolean, Windows only)
- t.window.title = "Mastermind" -- The window title (string)
- t.window.icon = nil -- Filepath to an image to use as the window's icon (string)
+ t.window.title = "BlueMind" -- The window title (string)
+ t.window.icon = "Resources/BlueMind.png" -- Filepath to an image to use as the window's icon (string)
t.window.width = 640 -- The window width (number)
t.window.height = 640 -- The window height (number)
t.window.borderless = false -- Remove all border visuals from the window (boolean)
@@ -15,7 +21,7 @@ function love.conf(t)
t.window.fullscreen = false -- Enable fullscreen (boolean)
t.window.fullscreentype = "normal" -- Standard fullscreen or desktop fullscreen mode (string)
t.window.vsync = true -- Enable vertical sync (boolean)
- t.window.fsaa = 4 -- The number of samples to use with multi-sampled antialiasing (number)
+ t.window.fsaa = 0 -- The number of samples to use with multi-sampled antialiasing (number)
t.window.display = 1 -- Index of the monitor to show the window in (number)
t.window.highdpi = false -- Enable high-dpi mode for the window on a Retina display (boolean). Added in 0.9.1
t.window.srgb = false -- Enable sRGB gamma correction when drawing to the screen (boolean). Added in 0.9.1
diff --git a/main.lua b/main.lua
index d6b4170..b34509a 100644
--- a/main.lua
+++ b/main.lua
@@ -1,21 +1,62 @@
-require 'love2d-fakecanvas/fakecanvas'
+ main.lua
+ Main file used by LÖVE to start the game
+ by piernov
-Screen = {}
+require 'love2d-fakecanvas/fakecanvas' -- Load canvas emulation library
+Debug = false -- Set to true to view the answer in Solo mode
+Screen = {} -- Contains window width and height
+Fonts = {} -- Used to store preloaded fonts
Gamestate = require "hump.gamestate"
+Config = require "Gamestates/Config"
Menu = require "Gamestates/Menu"
+local min_dt = 1/25 -- Cap FPS to 25, avoid extensive CPU use, snippet from LÖVE Wiki under love.timer.sleep()
+local next_time = 0
function love.load()
- Gamestate.registerEvents()
- Gamestate.switch(Menu)
+ Config:loadUserConfig() -- Read user configuration file to load player_name
+ Screen.width, Screen.height = love.window.getDimensions()
+ love.resize(Screen.width, Screen.height) -- Call love.resize() in order to preload fonts
+ love.graphics.setFont(Fonts[4]) -- Use font with size 4% by default
+ Gamestate.registerEvents() -- Initialize hump Gamestate library
+ Gamestate.switch(Menu) -- Switch to menu
+ next_time = love.timer.getTime() -- FPS limiting
+function love.resize(w, h)
+ Screen.width, Screen.height = w, h
+ Fonts[4] = love.graphics.newFont("Resources/vermin_vibes_1989.ttf", 0.04*Screen.height)
+ Fonts[3] = love.graphics.newFont("Resources/vermin_vibes_1989.ttf", 0.03*Screen.height)
+-- FPS limiting
function love.update(dt)
- Screen.width, Screen.height = love.window.getDimensions()
+ next_time = next_time + min_dt
+function love.draw()
+ local cur_time = love.timer.getTime()
+ if next_time <= cur_time then
+ next_time = cur_time
+ return
+ end
+ love.timer.sleep(next_time - cur_time)
+-- End
function love.keypressed(key)
- if key == "escape" then
- love.event.quit()
+ if key == "escape" then -- Handle return key on Android or Escape key on regular keyboard
+ if Previous then -- Switch to previous entry if we aren't a the menu's root, otherwise quit
+ Gamestate.switch(require(Previous))
+ else
+ love.event.quit()
+ end